Secrets airing: and you know when to open the Windows? (Huanqiu shibao, China)

Most likely, at the time of the epidemic you have already managed to learn all the necessary health habits: do you diligently wash their hands, wear a mask and ventilate the room. In particular, opening a window for ventilation, we not only let in the fresh air, but also slow down the spread of the virus, thereby contributing to General improvement. Did you know that ventilation has its own equipment and techniques, as well as the scheme “4-4-3”? Let us quickly know about it.

No air circulation in the house will get four kinds of pollutants

According to experts of the Department of health education, Beijing center for control and prevention of diseases, the emergence of toxic substances in the room due to the presence of chemical contaminants: carbon dioxide, formaldehyde and products of combustion; physical pollutants: noise and radiation from household appliances; biological pollutants: dust mites, various pathogens; radioactive contaminants, e.g. radon in building materials.

So in normal air contains 0,03% — 0,04% of carbon dioxide, but because of people’s breath and combustion of carbonaceous material, the concentration of CO2 increases. When it reaches 0.15 percent, people begin to feel discomfort, and at a concentration equal to 8% -10%, can cause shortness of breath, weakness and cramps. If you don’t ventilate, the room will be not enough oxygen, and the long-term presence in this room might begin to spin or get a headache, increase blood pressure or cause other disease.

Besides, stale air is a favorable environment for the growth and reproduction of many viruses and bacteria, and therefore increases the likelihood of respiratory diseases.

Rather let the “air vitamins”

With ventilation it is possible not only to admit the fresh air and reduce the concentration of pollutants is also a great way to adjust the temperature and humidity. Natural ventilation is not only convenient, fast and economical in terms of energy, but it is important to maintain the cleanliness and freshness of the air in the room.

To understand how obvious the effect of ventilation, just look at the statistics. A study conducted in one student dormitory, showed that after 10 minutes of ventilation the number of bacteria in the room decreased by 36%, and when the window was left open for two hours in the room where it was not people, the number of bacteria decreased by 74.3 percent. Thus, we can conclude that even after a short airing, the number of germs in the room decreased significantly, and fewer microorganisms were in the room, which during long-term ventilation nobody came.

Experts say that ventilation increases the concentration in the air of healthy anions of oxygen. Anions of oxygen is a substance important for the maintenance of life on Earth. They can provide stimulating and overwhelming effect on the Central nervous system, to improve the functioning of the cerebral cortex, promote blood formation and lung ventilation, improve the immune system. They are often called “air vitamins”.

Above all, the content of these anions in the mountain, forest and sea air — 2500 to one cubic centimeter. Their are also many fields in the countryside — 1000 per cubic centimeter, in cities and towns even less — 600 per cubic centimeter, and in the room per cubic centimeter, they have only 300. Winter in rooms with the Windows closed anions remains only a few tens per square centimeter. When you airing into the room to get useful for the body oxygen anions and leave the harmful excess cations.

When to ventilate

1. After the rise of the. By morning, the oxygen content in the room decreases and when cleaning the bed they rise into the air of dust mites and skin cells, so the room is in dire need of airing.

2. During cooking. Roasting and cooking food in large quantities are formed oil evaporation, so it is important to keep open and the window and the hood, allowing pollutants to leave the premises. After you’re finished cooking, you must leave the window open for at least 10 minutes.

3. During cleaning. When we’re in the air rises, the dust, germs and dust mites. To reduce the concentration of contaminants, you must open the window and ventilate the room.

4. Before going to sleep. If the weather is conducive, for half an hour before sleep, open the window for 15 minutes. This will increase the oxygen content in the air and will have a positive impact on the quality of sleep.

The optimal time and duration of ventilation

Experts from the health education Department reminded that during the ventilation should pay attention to the time, duration, method and effectiveness.

1. Time. Usually a good atmospheric diffusion and low concentration of pollutants were observed from 8:00 to 11:00 and 13:00 to 16:00. It is best to air in these time periods, it is most efficient to open a window around 10:00 or 15:00.

2. Duration. It is best to ventilate for 20-30 minutes, if the window fails to open widely, the ventilation time should be increased to 30-60 minutes. In day it is necessary to ventilate the room three or four times.

3. Method. Ideally, in the airing would appear to be a counter-movement of air. To the air stream circulating around the room, you need to access the most remote from each other, Windows and doors.

4. Efficiency. If it is safe at night window it is better to slightly open to replenish oxygen in the room.

Do not open Windows in smog, drizzle and strong wind

1. Could. During smog or sandstorms, the air outside is heavily polluted, Windows and doors should be kept closed.

2. Light rain and drizzle. During a light drizzle the wind is blowing slightly, so toxic substances are not scattered and rain only increase air pollution. To open the Windows for ventilation, is some time after the cessation of rain, when the skies clear and the air will be fresh.

3. In a strong wind. Strong winds can lift dust into the air and contribute to the spread of pollutants. If the wind force exceeds five points, the Windows have to be closed. They can be slightly open when the wind subsides.

In addition, during peak hours the air quality to significantly worsen the exhaust gases of automobiles. If you live on the lower floors, close to major highways, it is best not to ventilate the room during these hours.

