Website promotion in the Internet: what factors influence

At the same time, due to the rising popularity of the Internet promotion to attract visitors to the website every year becomes more and more difficult – competition and volatility in the algorithms of search engines require SEO-optimizers and Internet marketers with high professional skills, and to the influx of customers was constant, it is important to promote the website in several ways.

SEO-website optimization

The main purpose of optimizing the website to increase the network traffic and to attract potential buyers. Search engines consider many factors and parameters of the site when calculating its relevance.

Share two ways of SEO: internal (working with text, website structure, usability, linking pages, error correction code) and external (work with search engines, topic directories, link exchanges and other services with the aim of increasing the external reference weight).

“In the last 5-6 years, special attention is paid to internal optimization, as it increasingly influences the ranking of a website in search engines. Paramount in internal optimization is important content, it should be as unique, high quality, healthy and answer the user’s query. If we consider the external factors of influence – it is important to compare the quantity and quality of external links. That is, the more quality links, the better the result. The more powerful the donor the resource, the more effective external optimization and website promotion“, – says Oleg Gavrilyuk, head of SEO Department at Aweb.

Before you start optimizing, specialists conduct a detailed analysis of the site. Examine its visibility to high -, medium-and low-frequency queries, the structure and theme of the site, studying successful competitors, conduct regular and systematic analysis by using special resources such as Serpstat.

Factors that affect internal optimization: convenient layout, quality content, optimization of meta tags, title optimization, internal linking, location of the server or hosting.

The most important moment in an external optimization – reference ranking. But you cannot be unintelligible and affix them anywhere. Disregard the purchase of external links may lead to negative consequences. Poor donors, the so-called “linkopomoyki” zapamcenim content and bad neighborhood links lower your ranking in the search engine.

Avoid sharp growth of the reference mass, as it is a sign of artificial links search engines do not approve. Before you buy links you need to conduct a thorough analysis of the donor site, to avoid getting under the filters of search engines, senseless waste of time and budget on SEO promotion.

“One of the methods to find high-quality donor sites for the new resource it is to identify successful competitors, niches and using special tools to upload all of their reference weight. For example, using Аhrefs, MegaIndex, Majestic SEO and the like. After all backlinks are unloaded, they are checked for quality. Take into account the following parameters: gasparinetti, attendance, behavioral factor (how much visitors spend time on the website), checked indexing. It is advisable to choose a donor that will best fit the niche being promoted by the website. It is unacceptable that the text was non-thematic anchors. For example, it is impossible in the text of the books to post a link to the sale of cars”, – says Vitaliy Statsenko, Director of web-Studio

Promotional tools, Internet marketing

Media Internet advertising (banner) is one of the oldest marketing tools to promote services, products and brands. But many believe that this method has become obsolete as users become accustomed to banners on websites and just don’t pay attention to them. Besides, it is distinguished by excessive importunity and very often irritates users. But despite the resentment, it still remains popular and effective.

Native advertising is a pretty new term, which was first voiced by Fred Wilson on Online Media, Marketing, and Advertising Conference in 2011. In other words, this is a high quality written press releases and articles in the media. The main goal of native advertising is to attract attention to the brand or product with interesting and useful content. It should match the theme and format of the site where is placed. By the way, this is one of the most safe and quality external links.

It should be noted that the native is not directly trying to sell something, so it is not perceived as advertising material and does not cause rejection.

“A mention in the media will benefit your company and its brand awareness. The phrase of Mark TWAIN: “Any mention in the press, even the negative, except the obituary, is advertising” has become legendary and only confirms this fact. And add to this guaranteed coverage, we will provide our clients, it turns out thousands of people who know what you are doing and that you are a Pro in this business. I have nothing against other types of advertising, do they actively use, but if in the world of information you don’t use native advertising, your prospects and ambitions is questionable. As long as you catch the customers on the context, competitors are investing in the image, in SEO and in online processing leads”, – says Vladislav Radical, the head of the advertising Agency V. R. Native.

Contextual advertising is one of the most popular and in demand, because the content of contextual advertising depends on the interests of the target audience. Creating each ad, the advertiser focuses directly on user search queries.

Most often used Google AdWords and social networks. The cost of a click on the banner depends on the niche of the company, the region, and is determined by the auction method. Relatively speaking, the longer someone offers a bet, he gets the higher position. The value can be 1 UAH and 100 UAH. Contextual advertising on the Internet allows you to monitor the expense budget and determine exactly what the money was spent.

“The two main tools used by the professionals is SEO and contextual advertising. Plus SEO is that it is relatively free of traffic. But to attract this traffic, you need a lot of time and effort. For example, to display the zero site in the TOP Google, you need 6 months or more, depending on the subject of the resource.

The main advantage of contextual advertising is “here and now”. Today made the website – tomorrow started advertising. Disadvantage is that every click is paid and your traffic depends on contextual advertising. Until it is, you will have customers, you stop when the website will go into a lull,” – says Andrey Beregulya, Director of the Agency OdesSeo.

Have contextual advertising so many tools. One of the simplest examples is remarketing. How does it work? To your website the visitor came, saw, bought nothing and left. But you have to list the buyer is preserved, and you begin to “chase” his banner to return to the website as it is your target user.

The Council finally

Famous advertiser, “the father of advertising” David Ogilvy, said: “There is a perception that any advertising is the motor trade. Not any! Bad is not the engine as a brake.”

You need to remember these words and to choose a legal “white” methods of website promotion in the Internet, in order to avoid trouble. Experts advise to use all the above mentioned features promote the complex, so as important and website optimization, and Internet marketing.

Author: Catherine Vojtova

