Scientists named useful for the human body properties of silver

Silver as a metal is known to people since ancient times. Items of silver, found in southwest Asia, according to archaeologists, was made more than six thousand years ago, according to

  • Properties of silver

It has long been known that silver has properties to quickly and effectively neutralize harmful flora in the human body without harm to the useful. American scientists studying the properties of silver, found that the causative agents of such diseases as diphtheria, typhoid, pulmonary and intestinal infections do not survive long when they are placed on a silver plate. Even the most resistant typhoid Bacillus does not stand up longer than a day.

The bactericidal effect of even minimal concentrations of silver ions argued that they are interfering with the vital functions of microbes, hinder the functioning of biological catalysts, i.e. enzymes. By interacting with the amino acid cysteine, which is part of most of the enzymes that silver ions interfere with its normal operation.


  • Doctors learned to treat cancer with precious metal

Extremely amazing effectiveness of silver against bacteria: silver kills bacteria in 1750 times stronger in comparison with carbolic acid and 3.5 times stronger furatsilina, chlorine, potassium permanganate. For comparison, we can take the broad-spectrum antibiotics, which can destroy about 5-10 species of bacteria, colloidal silver can destroy more than 650 types, besides all the beneficial micro-organisms remain alive, because silver is part of the fabric of the human body. In addition, bacteria are not used to the action of silver as medicine.

However, there are such microbes that are not biocidal action of silver. These include various kinds of genetically modelirovanie types of E. coli, the products prepared by industrial methods such as semi-synthetic chips, sausages and other.

  • Silver in the human body

Silver, like gold, microscopic doses present in the human body. If the person has an inadequate amount of silver and gold metals, it begins to take a higher amount of sweet. So, excessive craving for sweets in humans can be explained by the lack of silver in the body. It should be noted that such people have a characteristic haste, rapid speech, restlessness, fear of the future. In the presence of these qualities he should think about how to buy a gift in the form of silver jewelry.

  • Ornaments of silver

In the modern days, every woman will be able to find silver jewelry for myself to taste as they are beautiful, stylish, and can improve the health of its owner. Ornaments of silver are beneficial to the body, relieves stress and fatigue, increase resistance to stress. Plus they blend perfectly with other accessories.

Silver jewelry should be worn in diseases of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, urological diseases, disorders of vision.

