How to get rid of fatigue: identified as an effective method

British scientists have named a effective way to get rid of chronic fatigue. A study of London’s Queen Mary University published in the journal The Lancet. Briefly about it, reports the Telegraph, reports

To cope with fatigue will help regular exercise that is conducted with moderate intensity.

To such conclusions the authors came, watching for 12 weeks over the health of 200 people who, apart from drug therapy (drugs against depression and insomnia) were engaged in physical culture. In comparison with the control group, which consisted of 100 people, approximately 40 participants have improved.

Chronic fatigue syndrome related to an inhibition of the nervous system, which does not disappear even after a long vacation. Distributed mainly in developed countries, affects about seven people out of a thousand.

Recall, there are five surefire ways to quickly get rid of the drowsiness and dullness.

