“Oscar” for Ukrainian politicians: best actress – Savchenko, scenario – kidnapping Goncharenko

Best film: the Budget-2017

The Saga surrounding the adoption of the main estimates of the country was the most dramatic and action-Packed event of the year, for which he received the award. The crowd of MPs had to work on the filming around the clock, demonstrating their acting skills to portray sleep and waking, to work out the stage of irreconcilable differences, to show love and hate, and creatively to problems. And only with the first rays of the sun the next day, MPs heard the coveted “Stop!”.

Best actress: Nadezhda Savchenko

The title of best actress of the year deservedly received the people’s Deputy Hope Savchenko for the role of the Ukrainian pilots Bullets, which held in captivity the Russian special services 709 days. The hope had to lose 33 pounds, shave his head and go on a dry hunger strike. Now the heroine came in the form and on the “red carpet” has sported in Astrakhan hat and with a healthy glow. This year, according to the activity of Hope, the Ukrainians, too, will not be bored.

Foreign film: videotapes Yanukovych

Fugitive ex-President Viktor Yanukovych is often compared with Leonardo DiCaprio — an actor, who for a long time was not “Oscar”, despite all the efforts. To obtain the same coveted statuette he had to go to serious lengths to flee to Russia to testify via video link. While about acting Yanukovych also forgot — for six hours of questioning as he could convince a consequence that he doesn’t remember a single day of his escape, nor his orders, nor even of the people fled. Editorial Academy shouted in unison, “Believe!” here’s your Oscar, Mr. Yanukovych!

Best actor: Dmitry Dobkin

The statuette in this category went to the master of disguise, the people’s Deputy Dmitry Dobkin. The victory brought him the famous scene of “eternal Shine of pure reason”” in a sessional hall of BP, in which it no single word was able to show the audience a storm of emotions from buying round for 135 thousand Euro. However, the critics were divided: some people blamed the success on the innate acting talent, others believe that to get used to the way Dobkin helped some selective doping.

Best male role of the second plan: Idun

A native of the Netherlands, Idun broke into Ukrainian politics and managed to become the essential independent character. Our judges impressed by the ability of Iduna, despite the political passions and intrigues, calmly waiting bezveza with the European Union and victory over corruption. Simple, but confident playing of Iduna brought him the prestigious award, making it a favorite of Ukrainian viewers. Many experts are sure that the main role in politocratic Iduna is not far off.

Best Director: Alexei Goncharenko

The title of the best Director of the year awarded to the people’s Deputy from BPP Alexey Goncharenko, for staging his own abduction. Of course, to develop it and could not, but because we are not ready to declassify the security forces, reward hero. Several hours the country, with bated breath, watching the uneasy fate of ordinary members of Parliament. The mysterious abduction, oppressive suspense, action-the arrest of the villains, as the cherry on the cake — happy-end in the final. All in the best action movies of Hollywood.

Best documentary: Vilkul VS Parasyuk

MPs Oleksandr Vilkul and Vladimir Parasyuk proved sometimes to create masterpieces need to desperately improvise. Fight the parliamentarians after the broadcast of the TV channel on the sidelines did their best documentary of the year. However, for this the actors had to put on the altar of art of their own health, glasses and cars. Peppercorn tape added obscene language, melee fighting and expressive artistry on the car of the opponent.

Best special effects: Happy

Ukrainian viewers captivated a new word in cinematography technology “magical disappearance”, which mastered the MPs. So, the MPs was the first among foreign colleagues demonstrated a unique trick: you first need a full team to register in the session hall, and then disappear for lack of quorum. The working day can be carried out variously: on the sidelines with journalists or in a café over a Cup of coffee. Technology Ukrainian specialists worked for a year.

Best costumes: Sergey Leshchenko

Who would have thought that the torn sleeve of the jacket will bring to the people’s Deputy Serhiy Leshchenko prestigious Golden statuette! To create the Oscar-winning costume policy took one bill on the constitutional court, a people’s Deputy from BPP Ivan Melnychuk, a few irreconcilable differences and a couple of photos in social networks. Thus Leshchenko proved — legislative activities are costly to politicians. However, after filming the jacket was returned to its original appearance.

Best makeup: Anna Herman

The Oscar for the miraculous transformation no doubt get explicit leader in this category — the ex-people’s Deputy Anna Herman. The work of professionals is so enormous that even the most devoted fans of Herman will recognize it on the screen. Many film critics are already predicting policy a new role in an interesting role. However, experts attribute a magical transformation not so much with the work of makeup artists, but with the wonders of medicine. But without it in Hollywood, as we know, nowhere.

