@MLP_officiel marine Le Pen: Donald Trump managed one tweet to change more than Sarkozy and Hollande over 10 years! Win Donald trump’s election opens a new era of cooperation in different countries.
@NicolasSarkozy (Obama): New life, new challenges! You’ll love it! I wish you the best, dear.
@Dartigolles, press-Secretary of the Communist party of France: The richest elected President in the United States, the most unpopular causes the most disputes with most of his inauguration.
Marcel @leplan38: All of these journalists, speaking of trump, calling him the billionaire, seventy years, and never “the US President”.
@LaurentFavre: Now do not say “eccentric new York billionaire”, and “elected President of the United States of America.”
@Jacques_Pezet: Instead of watching on TV, like a billionaire trump becomes President, Angela Merkel contemplates Monet in the Museum.
@mathildemaulat: So the billionaire-President — is proof that the government is finally returned to the people. Mr. trump, have you no shame?