Opposition: the United States and all the rest (Labor, Bulgaria)

In recent decades, the world was in a state of gradual and irreversible changes. This means that the experiment with the imposed model of a unipolar world has begun after the cold war, failed. The world in which we live for centuries acquainted with the variety of oppositions: civilization and barbarism, Christianity and paganism, democracy and communism, West and East etc. But new the time is ripe and for the first time, acquired the General character of the opposition new type: USA against all the others.

Due to the unprecedented influence, and also due to the unprecedented thirst for resources and capital of one country has managed to achieve what has achieved one other was able to win contempt and mistrust of all. It did not happen in one day — the process dragged on for many years. Discussion about the idea of a post-American world order means that before this there was the order, bearing the American character. History gives only one chance and opportunity that the United States received at the end of the cold war, was lost and failed for a number of reasons.

Historical immaturity and lack of the instinct of creation is one of the root causes of not knowing how to use such exceptional responsibility to be the first and only hegemon on the planet. The state of Europe, i.e. the presence of certain instincts, reflexes and Outlook — the result of the development and rapid processes over the past two thousand years. The United States that historical experience is not. The historical youth of the country and its rapid acquisition impact on the whole world has deprived the state and its elite time to reflect on the lessons of history.

The U.S. has never had a real war on a global scale. This not only affects perception but also creates an inability to resist the spectacle of the disaster of war. Due to the lack of experience, but also because of the arrogant proclamation of their own exceptionalism, the United States also don’t realize the necessity of the welfare state, a concept which is shared by the countries of Western Europe and Scandinavia. Internal problems of the United States (social and administrative) provoke symptoms of hand, leading to instability and chaos in the world, as well as the emergence of new conflict zones.

The process of establishing US global hegemony is fully related to a condition in which the inner content does not match the form. If you perceive America as the universal Empire of the Western type, she doesn’t have long: the lack of spiritual preparedness of American society, as well as the differences between the elite and the masses in the United States naturally lead to problems that ultimately mean early onset of decline. Previously, plucked the green fruit is unable to ripen correctly. Despite the sunset, the influence of the giant by its nature, is still global, and the United States remain an inevitable part of any new model of regulation of global relations.

Against this background, in the last 10 years, the world witnessed how another country managed to rise again and reinvent yourself to become a factor without which cannot be solved by any one global problem. Russia, the direct heir and representative of the Eastern branch of the idea of universal Empire, after the end of the cold war, was able to get out of stagnation, to adapt and to show in practice that the crisis could not break the tree, making it stronger. The metaphor of tree is best suited: it draws power from the strong roots of the past, but correctly uses historical time, to be able to spread their branches above.

The third country who took part in the formation of the post-American world order, is the bearer of the ancient culture, resurrected after more than a long period of oppression and exploitation by the so-called Western “civilized” world. China not only managed to overcome the stereotype of the “workshop of the world”, but also to begin to buy and sell influence at the global level. And unobtrusive it already offers its own socio-cultural model as an alternative. Discipline, total energy and purpose, a huge market, the sheer scope and magnitude of actions in all directions created the conditions for the Chinese state became the basis for a new security architecture in the world.

Three States form a security model that takes the form of three-dimensional triangular prism, the base of which consists of these three elements, as they are most important for global order and stability. The role of the European Union, Israel, India, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other actors are distributed at the following levels prisms, depending on their regional influence. Changes in the world is inevitable, and the processes of the last two decades was the last preparatory stage. The irony of this story is that new, but at the same time, the old factor dealt a decisive blow to the status quo.

The emergence of a viral pandemic in 2020, whether it is a natural process of the microcosm-finding balance on the ground or in social and scientific research experiment could test the reflexes and instincts of all countries and societies. Pandemic 2020 was the catalyst for the transition of international relations to a new stage. The power of media environment has created a state of trance and anaesthesia societies in the world that made the pandemic an appropriate “muddy water”, which allows global processes to continue without resistance. Discussion about the inevitable need of the revival of a strong national government, which should handle yourself in times of crisis, also received a clear answer.

Successful adaptation of countries participating in the process of changing paradigm in international relations before the crisis 2020, ensures their participation in creating the foundations of a new security architecture. For smaller countries, the pandemic has put a severe lesson, showing that responsibility to their own people requires a rethinking and policy changes on issues related to strategic sectors of the economy. This, in turn, means the restoration of a strong system of education that is necessary for a society, ready for any challenge. Any financial crisis, natural disaster or social experiment will eventually have a positive side, showing the shortcomings of the system and the ability to fix them.


