El Espectador (Colombia): Russia and the manipulation of the coronavirus

Currently, the collective West is an information war with Russia and several other States. One of its components is a massive campaign of misinformation and discredit the measures taken by the Russian authorities to combat coronavirus infection. All this is done with the aim of creating a negative image of our country.

Unfortunately, we have to admit that some Colombian media were involved in the ugly praktickou. May 23 this year, the newspaper “Espectador” published an analytical article on coronavirus infection in Russia. Based on the opinions of some anonymous “independent analysts” or referring to the openly politicized sources, well known in Russia for its radical opposition views, it is perverted, in fact, a false picture of the epidemiological situation in Russia.

Of course, we are not questioning the right of independent Colombian media to present its point of view. However, we believe that for the sake of objectivity and impartiality in assessing the situation in other countries, especially when we are talking about such a sensitive topic as pandemic coronavirus would be appropriate to rely on estimates and experts ‘ conclusions and statistical data of official international structures. In particular, it would be useful to read the insights of Mrs. Melita Vujnović, the official representative of the who in Russia.

We believe that the opinion who’s competent enough for Colombia, taking into account the recent election of this country as a new member of the Executive Committee of this organization. Indeed, according to who estimates, mortality from covid-19 in Russia, where the applied methodology in accordance with who recommendations, is quite low. But he compares with that of many other countries: Russia -1% Chile -1 %, Israel -1 %, Turkey, which is 2.7 %, Peru -2.9 percent, Colombia is 3.5 %.

Here we are not talking about a deliberate understatement of statistics. In opinion g-Zhi. Vujnović, there are a number of factors that explain such a low mortality rate among Russians. The Russian government was able to use the extra time resulting from the late arrival of the coronavirus in the country, and has taken preventive measures to slow the spread of infection and preparing health systems: increased the number of beds that the hospital has converted, in a short time erected a new multifunctional centers are infected with coronavirus.

Indeed, the number of cases of disease is high (3rd in the world), but it is the result of timely and large-scale assessments in Russia: 8 million tests per day. According to this indicator, Russia ranks second in the world after the US (13 million tests). The country in 3rd place, left far behind, generating almost 3 times less testing (3 million). In Colombia, for comparison, are produced 252 thousand. In addition, 70% of deaths in Russia performed the autopsy, to accurately determine the cause of death, not blaming everything on the coronavirus, as it happens in many other countries.

An important factor is the social orientation of the Russian health care system, which continues to be available, free and mass. Due to this, in Russia, the best indicators of early hospitalization, faster delivery of patients to medical facilities, early and timely diagnosis.

Later in the article the author allows himself to insulting remarks against the Russian authorities, including President Vladimir Putin, who distribute certain of the Anglo-American media, known for his Russophobic orientation.

Valid, the universal suppression of coronavirus an extreme and stressful situation, often affecting doctors. But this happens not only in Russia but in other countries, particularly in USA, Italy and the same in Colombia, where there have been cases of suicide among physicians, patients, and lack of personal protective equipment in hospitals.

Everywhere it is an occasion for the manifestation of humanism and compassion for the victims.

But when it comes to Russia, some gentlemen do not even consider it necessary to conceal their hatred and malevolence.

Fighting the pandemic, Russia, like other countries faced with many problems. While not all of them manage to solve the best way. However, as emphasized by the President of Colombia, Ivan Duque in his address to the 73rd Assembly who, “in order to cope with a situation of this kind, in the world do not have the necessary recommendations, and certainly none of the countries were not sufficiently prepared for the struggle.” That is why we should not gleefully compare the number of patients and deaths, and to unite in order to overcome this common challenge, leaving aside ideological differences and historical rivalries. We need a unifying agenda, in which there would be no publications, such as that which was the reason for writing this letter.

