Mortality from covid-19 in Moscow: the authorities (The New York Times, USA)

News article “Another 1.7 thousand deaths in Moscow” dated may 12, about mortality from covid-19 in Russia does not take into account the position of the government of Moscow.

The mortality statistics for April, the Moscow authorities have published in early may. Some media has compared monthly data on mortality and suggested that it reflects an increase in the number of deaths from covid-19. But these figures do not take into account the cause of death and in any case vary widely.

In April 2020, the city had recorded 11 846 deaths. Although compared to April 2019, this figure increased by 1 841, growth compared to April 2018 amounted to only 985. Our study showed that the 639 deaths in April 2020 were associated with covid-19.

We conduct an autopsy in each case and therefore confident in the accuracy of the data. The increase in the mortality rate natural growth of acute respiratory viral infections that exacerbate existing disease.

A similar pattern is observed in other countries, mortality from covid-19 below the total mortality. But even if we assume that all of the April death in excess of the average value associated with the coronavirus, the death rate from covid-19 in Moscow still lower than in new York and London.

Moscow will be happy to discuss their experience with Russian and foreign experts.

