Why the move to electronic textbooks in Ukrainian schools is delayed

The issue of providing schools with textbooks rising every year. The problems are the same: the books of the old/obsolete and new first time to print and then deliver to the educational institutions. The materials that have to buy their own, too expensive, and parents complain that children are hard to carry very heavy backpack every day. The way out of the situation, it would seem, there — e-books. But also here not all so simple: the free options are very few, and “pirate” — poor quality and not in all subjects. And professional e-books parents to fork out not in a hurry.

“Gadget”-study and “live” pictures

This year the publisher has provided the Ministry of education and science of electronic versions of textbooks for placement in the open (only 9 classes). This innovation proposed by the Agency for the first time, and such books available for download at public expense. Version — high quality and comfortable, some ninth-graders are already using them.

“My son uploaded all the necessary textbooks and walking to school light. However, paper books, we still are waiting for: they are healthier for the eye. There was a time when long turned off the light, and we have just got the tablet. But that count is rare. Disgruntled in this case only the parents whose children did not have gadgets that can display educational version (for example, there are only a simple phone): they either have to make photocopies, or copy other pending benefits,” says the mother of the Kiev school student Olga Stepashin.

Soon textbooks will be possible to “click” the page and watch the video

FOR THE MONEY. But free books is has only one parallel, and you can buy e-book money not so many parents. For several years in Ukraine working platform e-pidruchnyky.net it allows students to use electronic textbooks, which fully preserved the original layout of the book.

“During the work increased as the number of books and publications that we cooperate with. We have a base of more than 400 books. The operating principle is simple: pumped program that provides access to textbooks, and then pumped into a book and charged to the card, its cost (average of 25 UAH per unit). It gives the right with one account to see the tutorial on two devices. Ads and viruses, unlike pirated versions, no, and degree of protection is high,” says the Director of “Je-pidruchniki” Igor Kaplyuchenko. And emphasizes the demand for such textbooks is, but lower than we would like.

There is one format of the textbooks they are working on the platform.

“The existing textbooks is still not quite possible to consider multimedia is more of a “digitization” of familiar books. And multimedia copies include living pictures, “clickable” links, start video and audio, expandable images, interactive tasks, etc. It is this product we have planned to show next year. The complexity of creating books of such formats is that multimedia products have short life: after a couple of years outdated version and needs work. Therefore, the financing of such products is a complex issue,” says Kaplyuchenko.

Job qr-code games and movies

That for today’s students it is important to create quality and innovative content, say the publishers.

“Today, children are others. Their element — gadgets. But the lack of training available on tablets, computers, etc. that distracting because of the hyperlinks. Therefore, the ideal combination — paper textbooks with the electronic application. But e-book should not be a copy of the print version — it should be interactive quizzes, video, audio, and even feedback from the teacher. In the world now this problem is actively studied, — says CEO of the publishing house “Ranok” Victor Kruglov. — Almost all books that we publish, we try to make such applications. To do this, we signed an agreement with IT companies and running a special unit in-house (about 40 people). They create jobs, interactives, and more. For example, in the textbook of A. of Glazova “Ukrainska mova” for grade 9, we put QR codes in the transition to that children can see videoscreening (cartoon video). In the textbook of physics (V. baryakhtar), you can do a virtual lab. In this book students download optional: just hover the QR code and go through the free multimedia the job.”

IN THE PLANS. Speaking of such applications is already there and the teacher reviews. “The children really like it if the teacher on the lesson gives the task: to pass a test on the smartphone. It motivates children to understand the lesson,” the teacher says Svetlana Lacolina (Kharkov).

The next peak you want to conquer developers, equipment games books for elementary school and films-shorts — senior.

“That was interesting to students of 1-4 grades, in e-books have to be games, and to high school students in lessons are not missed, and gaining experience (the laboratory are not in every school), in their books should be movies,” — said Viktor Kruglov.


  • Ukrainians have spent on books $ 112 million

Experiment with “evrokniga”

That work using e-textbooks in the media through effective, they say, and in the schools — participants of the pedagogical experiment “Razumnyi” (Smart Kids). About 100 Ukrainian educational institutions used (on a voluntary basis) electronic educational resources were developed by educators and renowned IT companies. In the curriculum combines traditional and innovative teaching technologies and material submitted in complete logical blocks in the game.

“The game, which is actually not a game but a very serious job/task, the students were aroused not only keen interest, but also allows better and faster to learn the material — by animated characters and sound. According to the observations of teachers, children who participated in the experiment showed a higher level of knowledge than their peers of last years and pupils of schools not involved in the development of innovative learning,” says teacher Elena Golovina (str).

