Porn is bad for potency: scientists explain

Adult movies lead to erectile dysfunction that negatively affect potency in men. By this view came a group of American scientists, the Correspondent with reference to Rolling Stone.

It is noted that more and more experts come to the conclusion that porn is not very good for men’s health.

Scientists say the increase in erectile dysfunction for the last two or three years, among young men, although earlier it was typical of the older generation.


  • Scientists have found that affects the potency of men regardless of lifestyle

In the study, researchers also conducted a survey among the respondents aged 20 to 40 years and found that 3.4 percent of people prefer to masturbate instead of have sex. Other volunteers admitted that the more they watched adult movies, the more I felt the discomfort of erectile dysfunction.

At the same time, American researchers clarify that viewing adult films can only be one of the factors that lead to impotence.

