Nutritionists spoke about the incredible benefits of honey for health

Researchers from the US analysed the effects of honey on the body and came to the conclusion that regular consumption of the product could have a beneficial influence on a person.

For example, experts believe that eating honey will help remove toxins from the body and improve skin condition. Honey, according to scientists, can fight stress and improve memory, as it positively affects the level of antioxidant compounds in the body, and its calcium is easily absorbed by the brain.

In addition, the researchers emphasize that eating honey will help those who want to lose weight. Despite the fact that the diet forbidden to use the sweet, experts advise not to abandon a small amount of honey contained in the sugar differs from sugar, which is the part of chocolate, and speeds up metabolism.

Earlier, we wrote about what products are most harmful to sexual activity, what is the best way to lose weight, and also spoke about how using kefir-buckwheat diet is only a week to lose five to seven pounds.

