As not to spoil the clothes washing and how to choose the right tool

On the one hand, with the advent of automatic washing machines life of Housewives has become much easier: put underwear Laundry detergent — and got an hour clean and nice smelling. But not to spoil the clothes and the machine-helper, you need to consider as to the selection of cleaning agents and methods of washing. “Today” has learned from Natalia, technologist of the company “Elf”, how to choose a Laundry detergent and how they differ.

Machine or hand wash

For machine only required a special powder. It includes components that do not form much foam, for hand washing, and substances that prevent the formation of scale on parts and elements of the mechanism of the machine. Use it for hand washing is not necessary: it is the granules dissolve much longer, and the concentration of active substances is much higher. In washing powders for manual washing, the components are dissolved faster and the granules are not only easy to dissolve, but gently affect the skin.

Persistent color

To keep the rich color of your clothing is to use products with stabilizers, which do not allow the paint to be washed away from fabrics. “For one or two wash you will not visually notice that things seem off. But if you constantly use the “wrong” powder, clothes quickly come into disrepair. Also, for example, the composition means for washing black items include components that improve the rinsing properties of water: after rinsing on dark fabrics will not remain whitish streaks,” explains Natalia.

Liquid format

Liquid detergent is now very popular: in terms of cleansing properties, they are not inferior powders. Apart from convenience, such tools are recommended for people with allergies — their flavor does not spread throughout the apartment as powder.

With enzymes

For baby clothes it is better to choose powders that contain enzymes: they are well deduce stains from protein (milk, meat, fish, etc.). Things such stains should not be washed at high temperatures: protein folds and even more fixed in the fabric. And good powders with enzymes removes the contamination already at a water temperature of 40 degrees.

Soap nuts

Natural detergent, the bark of which contains the saponins — the natural foamers. Nuts can wash hair, body, dishes, surface — and, of course, washable.

For washing 8-10 shells, place in linen bag (usually sold with the nuts) and place it into the drum of the washing machine. You can use it several times, “the First time it will seem that things dirtier than they were: saponins wash not only dirt, but the remains of detergent left in the fibers of the fabric,” explains the owner of ecomagazine Mariya Stadnik. The cost of the miracle nuts: from 20 UAH for 100 g (enough for 3-5 loads).

Sports wear

Sporting achievements are now largely depend on the clothes. Form classes are usually expensive because they are made from special fabrics that require special care. So if you want things to last you a long time and has retained its functionality, provide them with proper care. Need to wash special means for the minimum temperatures in the “For delicate fabrics”. On the shelves you can find liquid funds for sports wear (price — 80 UAH/l), which best removes sweat stains and neutralize odors.


  • What if the dry cleaner ruined the thing

It is advisable not to give the “sweaty” clothes to have a complete rest a week, and wash as quickly as possible.

In no case do not put the form on the battery or in the dryer under high temperatures high-tech filament breaks and loses its properties (to remove moisture, maintain muscle, etc.). If you want to save money, you can wash things with dishwashing detergent, soak for half an hour in water with vinegar to kill the unpleasant smell of “changing rooms”. Important: never use bleach or other aggressive means.

Feather things

Not to spoil when washing down jacket at home, follow a few important rules.
You should pick up a special tool — which cleans without leaving any streaks. If there on the shelves is not found, it is better to take liquid detergent. And to prevent stains in the dried fabric, use the “extra rinse”. To fluff not lost, put the drum a few tennis balls (there are even special). Wash at a minimum temperature (about 30 degrees), the extraction is better off or write 400-600 rpm: if pressing at high speed, down can stay and even come out of the seams.

To dry and not to ruin down jacket, first hang it on a hanger over the bath to drain the water. Then lay in a dry, well-ventilated area, away from heating devices: no batteries and fans! During drying several times turn it inside out and back again, and occasionally shake it to break down. If he roll up, spread it manually is a long time, but really.

Get rid of perspiration stains

So many things are deteriorating due to the fact that armpits are yellow, no stains. Usually this trouble occurs due to the reaction of sweat (or rather, the proteins in its composition) with the aluminum contained in most deodorants and antiperspirants. To protect clothes, to begin, select a deodorant, in which there is “insidious” component — Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydrex Gly. It is also advisable not to leave dirty stuff for a long time: it is better to rinse your shirt or t-shirt, than to call in the big cleaning guns.

Affected things can be reanimated with special stain removers (price from 120 UAH): spray in the armpits and leave on time. You can save money by using grandma’s methods: mix in the ratio 1x1x1 white vinegar, baking soda and detergent into a paste and apply on the washed things in the armpits. Leave it for an hour, and in the case of heavy contamination — for the night. Then wash in as warm water.

As not to spoil things in the wash

  • Do not ignore the information on the label. The manufacturer says not in vain, how to wash and iron the thing: stick to the recommendations.
  • Strive not with powder: in case of overdose, it will stay in the seams of clothing and can clog the container of the machine.
  • Do not RUB the places with spots too hard: pollution can only be stronger to eat into the fabric, and the fabric to deteriorate.
  • Seldom use the tumble dryer: clothing wears out faster.
  • Before washing, sort items not only by colour but also by type of fabric. Do not use rough things together with thin: spoiled and those and others.

