“Restoration” of the brain: how to recover after a stroke

Recovery from any illness the sooner happened, the more fulfilling life after the disease heals. A quick “resurrection” after the stroke a hundred times more important because this disease affected the brain, the organ which depends on coordinated work of all organs and body systems without exception. Besides, incomplete or slow the rehabilitation of the brain and the vascular system can lead to deterioration of memory, concentration and mental abilities, as well as persistent insomnia. Because it is so important in time and in full to take prescribed medications, not to ignore its recommendations on the mode of life and to come to thisprocedure. And if you help a home — the process of full recovery will accelerate. What to do, knows Irina Bartosh, neurologist, reflexologist, co-author of methods of treatment of autonomic disorders.


Crease in the hands of chestnuts in the skin at every opportunity. These spiky fruits protoliterate the Central nervous system, because its projection lies on the palms. In addition, fine motor skills is directly related to the functions of the brain. And because the shuffling chestnut prostimulirujte them.

Also of biologically active points totally on feet. Pour into a baking tray pebbles, buckwheat, beans or peas and often impromptu trample on the massage Mat. It is also promassazhirovat the body, particularly the vascular and Central nervous system.


The thickness of the pillow should be equal to the distance from the base of the neck before the shoulder joint plus one inch. This size pillow will ensure smooth blood flow to the brain.

It does not puts hands behind his head with elbows. It is also impossible to hold your hands up on the pillow. Don’t fit and the pose on the belly and on the side (on the forearm): so clamped the arterial and sternocleidomastoid artery, which impairs blood flow in the neck. You sleep either on the back or on the side, but so that the hands were below shoulder height.


Stand on the step is not complete and so that your heels hanging down. A few minutes Pointe feet. This will cause the blood to circulate more actively through the body because the calf muscle in the movement is the pump that lifts the blood to the heart.
The option of pump — stand to the wand with a thickness of about 5 cm to 30 cm from the wall and do a slow lean forward without bending his knees.


Placing the applicators under the area between the shoulder blades (a few times a day) improves the conductivity from the spinal cord to the organs. As a massage Mat can be used and LEGO, spilling items under the specified area on the back. If you have enough strength to stand up and become the right side to the wall, raise your right hand, leaning on the wall. Fingering on the wall, come down, describing a semicircle, and turning the body to the left as possible. By analogy repeat the exercise with the left hand.


And also under the lower back. Lie down on them round the clock. The thickness of the rollers should be such that they repeated the curves of the spine in these two areas. Then decrease the spasm of the vasculature in General, and in the vessels of the neck in particular, that improve blood flow to the brain.
The cushion can be made from rolled towels, and you can fill the fabric buckwheat husks (sold in online stores) or buckwheat. The filler is also suitable for millet, semolina or sand. But we need to give them a cushion tightly-tightly.


This exercise is particularly indicated for those who have not suffered facial muscles, but feet — when you long lying there is the chance of developing pneumonia. Inflating balls is a massage of the lower respiratory tract, improves blood flow to the lungs. In addition, regardless of the size of the stroke, the inflation of the balls increases the flow of oxygen to the body that revitalizes the vascular system. Option massage and oxygen therapy: after a deep breath you need to hold your breath as long as possible and exhale to make any tractive movement. Most elementary — stretching.


  • How to reduce the risk of stroke: seven ways to avoid the disease

Features power

DRINK WATER AND FRUIT DRINKS OF RED BERRIES. Sufficient water (about 1.5 l daily) reduces the viscosity of blood, helping the heart to pump and reduces the load on the vessels. This helps and use red berries — a handful a day as they contain aspiranturas substances that make the blood more fluid, which facilitates the work of the vascular system and prevents the formation of blood clots.

EAT PUMPKIN SEEDS, LIVER AND BEANS. As well as unrefined vegetable oil, peas, lentils, barley groats, pistachios, pumpkin seeds and walnuts. These foods are rich in vitamins E and A and selenium. These substances — antioxidants, pre-emptive adhesion of red blood cells and as a consequence — the formation of blood clots.

ENTER IN THE DIET OF FISH WITH A LARGE HUSK. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids prevent blood clots, maintain the health of the vessel wall and promote the excretion of toxins from the body. Most of their content in marine fish. Moreover, the larger the husks the fish, the more it contains of these acids. But the meat red varieties exclude until full recovery.

LEAN ON STEAMED AND ROASTED VEGETABLES. Toxins harmful effect on the blood vessels and trigger inflammation of their walls. And thermally processed vegetables actively adsorb toxins from the body.

