The day of the autumnal equinox in 2017: the exact time and signs

Autumnal equinox day in 2017 falls on September 22. Kiev time it occurs at 23:02. These days day is compared to night, and the next day, daylight begins to decrease.

After the autumn equinox the Sun rises South of East and sets South of West. This event will mark the beginning of astronomical autumn in the Northern hemisphere, and of astronomical spring in the South until the winter solstice in December. For Ukrainians, there is usually “Indian summer”, which runs until 14 October.

In what zodiac sign the sun enters at the autumnal equinox? This question worries many. The fact that the autumnal equinox, denoted by the zodiac symbol corresponding to the constellation Libra, which it was in the time of Hipparchus (CA. 190 BC – CA. 120 BC). In the result of the precession of the equinox, due to precession of earth’s axis, this point has shifted and is now in the constellation Virgo.

Its energy properties, the autumnal equinox equates to the new moon. As the new moon, autumnal equinox 22 September 2017 recommended. Feel free to start a new business, not afraid of difficulties, you feel that much will on the shoulder.

During the equinox folk customs and superstitions decided to burn garbage and in General – to do General cleaning. During this period also increase the chances the chances to find love. Because single girls are advised to put a second pillow on the bed and in the bathroom to leave the second toothbrush.

Should be bring to your home happiness and good fortune. You can meditate, then all the answers to the questions that you relevant to you will come.

In the old days on the day of the autumnal equinox held a harvest festival and celebrations, thanks for the gifts of nature before the cold winter. So, for example, bake a round Apple pie. This will help to attract money into the house.

