Seven tips that will help you to stay in shape

What is the “secret ingredient” of weight loss, in addition to reduce calorie diet? The main tricks weight loss are the following.

Move as much as possible

Use the stairs instead of the Elevator, walk when talking on the phone, and often get up from the desktop.

Avoid sugar

Abuse of sweet leads to faster set of extra pounds than the abundance of fatty foods in the diet. Therefore, one of the most important factors in maintaining a good shape – restriction of simple sugars in the diet.


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Take immune-boosting supplements

Echinacea extract perfectly strengthens the immune system. Bee pollen and zinc are also noteworthy.

Eat small portions

Eating small portions helps maintain normal blood sugar levels and to improve metabolism.

Find your favorite kind of fitness

Exercise at least twice a week. Stay consistent and you will quickly get the desired result.

Regularly visit the sauna

Hot steam stimulates the lymphatic and immune system and helps to cleanse.

Don’t forget about the peeling

Using a scrub after a workout enhances detoxification and helps to get rid of harmful bacteria.


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