How to quickly lower blood pressure at home

Hypertension is one of the most common health problems is often caused by heredity, and Smoking, consumption of salty foods, obesity, stress and lack of proper sleep, writes


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For high blood pressure need to do one or more of the following:

  • wash your face with cold (not warm and not cool) water;
  • lower the hands to the forearm in cold water, leave them in the water for 2-4 minutes;
  • dial cold water in the pelvis, lower back legs ankle to hold the feet in water for 2-3 minutes. At this time you need legs to move, you can do movements like walk, lift legs, etc.
  • moisten a cotton ball or other cloth with cold water, applying a poultice to the thyroid gland or the solar plexus.

There are many popular recipes which thousands of people daily are coping with high blood pressure at home. These include, in particular, include:

  • The juices from fruits with honey

Mix the juice of radish, beetroot, carrot in equal proportions. The total number of the resulting juice must be equal to one glass. Into juice add 0.5-1 teaspoon of natural honey. The mixture is recommended to take 2-3 tablespoons three times daily before meals. Juice with honey stored in the refrigerator, used daily for two to three months. This tool will help reduce the pressure and normalize it so that in the future the problem of high blood pressure has been closed;

  • Herbal

The composition of the special mixtures must include the following herbs: marsh cudweed, Aronia, hawthorn, mistletoe, cranberries, cranberry. If you use herbal directly at the time of increasing pressure, of course, you can achieve the desired goal. But to fix the result, you should drink daily fees. Power charges is so great that on the initial stages of hypertension (hypertension in the first degree) herbal medicine can even be used as a leading method of treatment.

