How to avoid getting the flu: doctors ‘ advice

As we know, influenza is a viral disease that occurs in some cases is extremely difficult and can even lead to death. Therefore, to be informed about the prevention of this disease must all, writes


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Here are the most actionable tips from physicians:

  • To get a flu shot. Vaccination allows to significantly reduce the number of diseases. If inoculation was done early in the season, but you still caught the flu virus, then the disease will be easier and you will not encounter complications, which usually patients with influenza. Virologists are recommended to get vaccinated against influenza about two weeks before the beginning of the spread of viruses. By the way, to go for vaccination against the flu is necessary, absolutely healthy, preferably before it to give blood and urine.
  • Wear a respiratory mask at least in areas where accumulated a lot of people, and they are: educational institutions, public transport, cultural centers, clinics and hospitals, supermarkets and so on. The mask will protect you from viruses, but remember that it needs to be changed every three to four hours, otherwise it becomes useless.
  • To comply with the principles of proper balanced diet. Try to lean in early autumn on fortified foods, which in winter will be very small. Vitamins and minerals strengthen the immune system, and he in turn protects you from flu and other diseases.
  • Rinse the nose five or six times a day and lubricate it oxolinic ointment, if you’re going to go out. When the nasal mucosa well hydrated, viruses have virtually no chance to reproduce.
  • To be extremely cautious with their household, especially if some of them are already sick with flu or SARS. Avoid contact with patients use only their hygiene and eat with separate utensils.
  • Personal hygiene has not been canceled. Wash your hands often with soap and water, if this is not possible, the alternative of this is antibacterial sprays and wipes.
  • If you follow these simple rules, no flu you are not afraid of this fall and even winter.

