Another conspiracy theory Louise straight ahead, Ben: it was the Jews

You can say a lot about Louisa straight ahead, Ben, beloved supporter of the conspiracy theories and crazy Internet Troll, but the talent to spin the story she did not refuse. The author of the novels “the Envy of Venus” and “sugar baby” — names give a pretty clear idea of the content — the story-teller by nature, and more recently she uses this gift to Twitter, to convince hundreds of thousands of his followers that she wrote my friend Jamie Kirchik (Jamie Kirchick), “almost revealed the plan of Russia, which for decades were preparing to make Donald trump President of the United States.” Last week, straight ahead, Ben introduced the base your novel in Twitter unexpected plot twist: America hacked not only the Russians helped the Jews.

Particularly one Jew Bibi Netanyahu, the Lord of darkness and, apparently, ward backstage manipulator Putin.

Because the joy of madness is in the smallest details, so be it. The Saga began on Thursday evening when Mike Cernovich (Mike Cernovich), himself a big fan of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, expressed in a Twitter disagreement about the care of Derek Harvey (Derek Harvey) – the official representative of national security Council, dismissed the national security adviser Herbert McMaster. He assumed that Harvey was dismissed because of his loyalty to Israel. Another Twitter user in response accused Cernovich that he is a member of Russian-sponsored coup. That’s the kind of language and made straight ahead, Ben to join the fray.

“I love you, sir,” she replied on Twitter with all the subtlety of Horny British teen in a boarding school. And then, having warmed up a little and sat on his favorite skate, continued: Obama, she wrote, don’t put Netanyahu — and rightly so. That’s right, and Netanyahu conspired with Russia to help Trump to hit American democracy to the heart.

The Prime Minister of Israel, she wrote on Twitter, “help @putinrf to crack America. Israel forever; but @netanyahu is not Israel”.

What, then, is Netanyahu? And where is the proof of his tricks? What happened to RISSAD, previously known as the “Mossad”, but straight ahead, Ben was renamed the “Russian-Israeli trolls, loyal to Moscow bypassing Jerusalem”, suggesting that Israeli intelligence is also Putin’s pocket? And why to paraphrase, as did straight ahead, Ben Friday morning, ridiculous tabloid crap about what Chabad is a secret vessel, connecting the Kremlin and the Knesset?

Louise — flaky, doing unimaginable things on Twitter — we’d all still love. And we love your Jewish husband who deals with Metallica and, I believe, very nice guy. But theories anti-Semitic conspiracy capable of inflicting much more damage to mental abilities than overdose of cocaine and ecstasy. And Ezra pound, one of the great poets of the XX century, was locked in a cage and incoherently babbling like a monkey. I hope you don’t come to this.


