How to be happy once and for all: TOP 8 tips neuroscientist

Be happy everyone wants. But to achieve such a state can not all. And the reasons can be many. collected development of neuroscientists, who know exactly why and when the brain gives us the feeling of complete satisfaction.

Learn to say “thank you”

What happens: When we thank the person or even fate for something focusareas on the positive aspects of life. Memories of a pleasant trigger serotonin production in the anterior cingulate cortex. This method is often used to treat depression.

Solve problems in process of receipt

What happens: the Brain 24 hours looking for a solution to every problem that worries us. It takes a lot of energy, so we feel anxiety and irritation when the brain is already tired, but no result. But for every decision he encourages himself with the portion of the neurotransmitters that calm the limbic system and help us again to see the world in the best light. So the problem really is better to solve one after another.

To make all the bad things that have accumulated

What happens When we just see something unpleasant and when say that we don’t like involved different parts of the brain. In the latter case, unpleasant emotions have a lesser effect on humans. It is therefore useful to Express all that has accumulated, the brain triggers the production of serotonin and even find some positive sides in any trouble.

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Touch and embrace

What happens: the person is important social interaction. Social support, in particular touch and cuddling helps people recover faster after an illness. If life removed haptic communication, the brain will perceive it the same way as physical pain — it is responsible for the same zone. And this starts the processes that affect mood and contribute to the development of depression.

Study, study and study again

What is the New information for the brain means permanent change of the environment. Because of this he tries to adapt, develop and reward yourself with dopamine, the hormone of joy, for receiving and processing new information. If you want to be happy, don’t be afraid to try something new, to change the situation and learn what you don’t know yet.


What’s happening: Physical activity is stress for the body. As soon as the stress load ends, there is a release of endorphins. They are produced by the pituitary gland of the brain as a reward and is similar to opiates (e.g., morphine), which reduce pain and elevate mood. No need to run marathons, but even an ordinary walk can work wonders. No wonder many writers and composers consider it a mandatory condition of the creative process.


What happens While we sleep in the dark, secretes the hormone melatonin — it slows down all processes in the body, helping him to recover and increases the content of serotonin in the hypothalamus. If the brain detects a change in ambient light triggers the release of stress hormone, to quickly awaken the body. Therefore, it is important to sleep 6-8 hours a day only in a dark room.

To be in anticipation of something pleasant

What happens: the waiting Process fun, such as food or sex, similar to the preliminary reflex of salivation, Pavlov open. Our brain is particularly fun when anticipating a pleasant event. Why we love count the hours and minutes until some special moment: birthday or wedding, meeting with a friend or just the end of the day.

