The game “Monopoly” or “Risk”

One of the main issues of our time is why Putin and trump, who are so close to each other both in personal and in ideological terms, as none of the Russian and American presidents in the history of relations between the two countries is so cool. While the two leaders admiring each other, the US and Russia may drag us all into a new cold war, or hot.


The observer carefully analyze the relationship between the two leaders. The extent to which they share external and internal political interests, both apparent and hidden. If between the two leaders exist or are under development secret agreements or arrangements, information about it will leak. There is always somebody willing to disclose.


That will not be discussed — if we only themselves to declare it openly — so this is the main goal, which is shared by trump and Putin: translate global political negotiations in the plane of national security. Leave aside any global problems — from trade flows and ending with the protection of the environment and focus on terrorist and military threats.


Trump and Putin suggest we postpone “Monopoly” on the Board which we interacted in the past decades, rampant globalization, and play “Risk”. As soon as they draw us into their favorite game, trump and Putin may be to create opposing unions. But their subsequent interaction or confrontation — a question secondary. They assure us that the Central question of international relations is security. That’s the main thing.


Our goal is not to get lost in the wilds of the endless media reports about conspiracies and spies. Both leaders pretend that they have nothing to do slightest relationship, but secretly warm up the hoopla. And try not to act as judges. It is very difficult to be impartial in front of the face of two so partial powers. But it is still possible to mobilize world public opinion, including American and Russian, to bring to his consciousness that the planet is facing more serious challenges than patriot games, which are imposed trump and Putin.


European democracy is responsible to create an alternative global agenda and the world Alliance.

