Dangerous sweet tooth: increased level of sugar is associated with depression

High blood sugar is directly linked to the state of despair and depression. This was told by a fitness coach Anita Lutsenko.

In Instagram she wrote a post about the dangers of sugar within the 14 day experiment.

“Usually right after you eat the sweetness, feel better. But in the long run sugar weakens the body’s ability to fight with stress and to throw the correct mood enhancing substances. For example, dopamine,” wrote Anita.

She also added that sugar activates all inflammatory processes in the body.

“The body has nowhere to go in this situation, except how to start to lose it”, – assured the coach.

She also showed a useful exercise to work the oblique muscles of the abdomen.

“Every time you touch the floor (optional) 60 sec work 30 sec rest – 3 just approach,” she said.

#14днейбезсладкого Day 10 an Increased level of sugar is directly linked to the state of despair and depression.

