Trump helped defeat Theresa may

President trump told the British Prime Minister Theresa may (Theresa May) that he will cancel his visit to the United Kingdom because of his visit may begin mass protests. This was reported by the Guardian today, June 11. Officials are likely to publicly voice their frustration with such news, but Downing Street is unlikely that someone will sincerely regret the cancellation of the visit. Although I don’t want to exaggerate the role of the American President in the parliamentary elections in the UK held on 8 June — in which the main role played by the peculiarities of the situation in the country — it was a fierce struggle. If a few hundred voters only a few constituencies had voted differently, the conservatives may could retain the majority of seats in Parliament. There are several good reasons to believe that the tramp in some way contributed to the defeat of the tories. Such causes at least three.

1. Triumphant and incredibly warm welcome may with trump in January, held a few days after his inauguration, paradoxically, demonstrated its weakness. Having withdrawn the UK from Europe, it seemed, turned to Washington in search of friends — any friends. Her hasty announcement on the state visit trump was met with extremely negative: nearly 2 million people signed a petition against his arrival in the UK. In the Internet appeared the video, which shows how Mae is holding the trump hand — apparently, trump doesn’t like to go down the stairs. All this is accompanied by parabolicheskoi music and many animated images, and overall this video has further strengthened Mei an unpleasant image of the far-right politics. The leader of labour’s Jeremy Corbyn (Jeremy Corbyn) called Mae a puppet of the US: “Strong leaders never waiting to see which way the wind blows in Washington.”

2. Stinging trump’s tweets, which were directed against the labour mayor of London Sadiq Khan (Sadiq Khan) and which he published after the terrorist attack that occurred a week ago, made it even more disgusting in the eyes of the British. Moreover, almost all British — from leading television to social media users and the regulars of the local pubs — criticized his tweets (and supported Khan). All except Mae. She has long shied away from questions about trump’s tweets, but eventually pretty dry admitted: “I think Sadiq Khan is good at his job and that it would be wrong to say otherwise”. The public greeted this statement is not too favorably, especially in London, where the popularity of the labour party was growing.

3. Well-known looks trump on Europe contributed to the fact that the leader of the labour party Jeremy Corbyn (Jeremy Corbyn) began to seem more sensible than it would be under other circumstances. Everyone knows that Corbin holds anti-American views, opposes Britain’s membership in NATO and the transatlantic Alliance, which is understandable, given its Marxist past. This was supposed to spoil his reputation in the UK, because there is the Alliance with America had traditionally enjoyed universal support. But now the head of USA became President, who also publicly expressed his skepticism about NATO, which is not enough time for the transatlantic Alliance, and which they believe is incompetent and irresponsible. In other words, the conservatives have now little reason to say that “Corbin inadequate and dangerous” because the American President seem even more inadequate and dangerous.

I would like to repeat that the American President was not the main factor that contributed to the defeat of the conservatives. But he did not help the ruling party, and all the rest don’t want him to come to the UK. So do not be surprised if European leaders listen to the opinions of their constituents, will try to keep trump away.

