Ukrainians promise to “chain letters” and large fines for Parking cars

Life of Ukrainian motorists may soon change. Rada adopted in first reading a law that alters the Parking rules and penalties for their violation. Now in Ukraine can receive the Parking inspectors, the protocols on violations will be left “under the janitor” and the violations to photograph. What other innovations are contained in a law, and how it will affect the situation with Parking in the cities, found “Today”.

THAT OFFER. The main innovation at the patrol police and statisfaction in the Parking lot (they will appoint the local authority) will have the right to penalize violators of the rules of Parking in their absence, as is customary in Europe. The receipt on the penalty and a copy of the Protocol on violation the officer can leave on the windshield of the car. Now to fine the offender can only patrol officer and only at the time of illegal Parking or waiting, as he appears near your car.

“For the year in Ukraine fined for doing so all 257 offenders in the amount of 43.2 thousand hryvnia,” — said one of the authors of the bill Yaroslav Dubnevich. He predicted, putting in order with payment of Parking will increase the income of cities. For example, the municipal budget of Kyiv will be able to receive up to UAH 300 million per year in Parking fees, not 70 million as of now. The money will be to build multi-storey car parks. And also equip cheap Parking at terminal stations, to living in the suburbs leave their cars there and went on business to the capital by public transport, downloading center.

The law provides that any violation of the Parking rules must be documented with photographic images. All photos inspectors will “pour” on a special website where each offender will be able to “find themselves” on the photo.

Want to raise fines for Parking violations. For non-payment of Parking in paid Parking (for example, in Kiev it costs 5, 7 and 10 UAH/hour), the closer to the center of the city, the more expensive, offer fine is 20 times the size of the value of the hour “post” (100, 140 and 200 UAH respectively). Now they have no such right.

OPINIONS. The patrol force for innovation. “We believe that innovation will be handy for patrol, and for motorists,” said us speaker patrol police Victor Sheverda. But lawyers point to flaws. According to them, the deputies again want to, as was the case with the infamous “letters of happiness” to penalize car owners — individuals or legal entities, and not the one who in fact was driving at the time of the violation.

“The illegality of such fines was confirmed by the constitutional court back in 2010, so if the law is adopted, the Protocol would be easy to challenge in court — told us avtoyurist Vadim Volodarsky. — And that the drivers have not violated the Parking rules and paid for it, it is necessary to create a sufficient number of equipped Parking lots, and hang it where occurred to prohibiting sign. Either paint on the road markings, put a sign “Paid Parking” and charge money, it is unclear for what services”.

Drivers are also actively discussing future innovations. “I live in the suburbs, work downtown, drive a car, so I have to Park where it is forbidden, because near my work Parking lot there,” — says the Manager Ivan Khmelevsky. A Metropolitan taxi driver Alexander Pankov expects to strengthen the fight against such violators: “I’m not interested in the problems of those who puts a car under the sign on the strip for transportation, which leads to traffic jams. Traffic rules are the same for all. If such drivers will be fined, they will quickly find where to Park your car.”

