“Let us speak frankly,” the retorted Emmanuel macron at a press conference in Versailles, answering a question about the boycott, declared his party “Forward!” against Russia Today and Sputnik. Standing next to calm, but clearly annoyed Vladimir Putin, he said: “In fact, Russia Today and Sputnik behave not as press, but as agents of influence and the organs of propaganda, and false propaganda. When the media is spreading false, defamatory information, it is not the journalists that bodies of influence.”
Journalists know well France RT and Sputnik, which is known for its Pro-Russian biased position and a particular informational concept. But many French people learned about their existence only during the speech of their new President on may 29 at the Palace of Versailles. Why macron is fought on these two media, headed by one editor-in-chief, Margarita Simonyan? To better figure this out, you need to start from the beginning.
RT wants to be a credible source, and Sputnik more “aggressive”
RT is the Internet a product of Russia Today, the cable channel of Russian television launched in 2005. “His goal was to copy what was done before, explains Nina Bashkatov (Nina Bachkatov), a journalist and expert on Russia. All this fits into the General trend, which implies that a modern country should have its own all-news channel. Initially, the channel could see a lot of interesting, different news coverage, as journalists have been in places where we never been there, but then suddenly everything changed dramatically. Journalists turned into caricatures of American leaders”.
In any case, the Internet channel RT claims the title of a major source, and his cousin Sputnik “argues that he’s talking about what others are silent”. He delivers news in a more aggressive manner, and “focus on the virality of its publications,” — says Nina Bashkatov. “The goal is to have it quoted more traditional resources.” In this Sputnik like all the other cosmopolitan websites which are not looking purposefully for audience and tend to them as much as possible quoted — good or bad — it does not matter.
RT and Sputnik are funded by the Kremlin and broadcast in more than thirty countries. And does not hide its close relationship with Vladimir Putin. “You can not descend to caricature. There is no direct connection between the Margarita Simonyan and the Russian state,” emphasizes Nina Bashkatov. However, some publications do not accurately reflect the position of Moscow. But journalists try very hard to please the authorities.”
Of course, Putin’s name is regularly mentioned in these media. The theme of the war in Syria is accompanied by mostly shots of the scenes of jubilation in Aleppo and not killed during the Russian bombing, the theme is “weapons” or protests around the world also take these media in the first place. As well as conspiracy theory.
Pets RT and Sputnik marine Le Pen and françois Fillon
RT and Sputnik “exaggerate or downplay the importance of some events such as plant closures or protest,” continued Nina Bashkatov. “They give information out of context — something that is often done in the West, speaking of Russia… of Course, RT and Sputnik talking about French politics, with some politicians get far more positive feedback unlike the others. Le Pen, which Putin took in March of this year in Moscow, gave an interview to RT, France in January 2016. Then, Le Pen has promised to recognize the Russian Crimea, if she wins the election. Sputnik punctually touted “advantages and charisma,” the head of NetFront. Economist and supporter of independence, Jacques Sapir (Jacques Sapir), committed to the ideas of SF, regularly wrote on the subject. RT and Sputnik are very fond of a lot to talk about events that they like. “The Russians are very hopeful that Francois Fillon will win the election,” says Nina Bashkatov. “Therefore, both resources are abundantly covered everything that had to do with him. In the month of April they made the Fillon favorite race, based on vague data, “research in social networks”. The nomination of Emmanuel Macron has not caused such enthusiasm. In January RT accused of Makron that he spent on the trip to Lebanon is the money of the French taxpayers, spreading, thus, just a rumor. Sputnik also distributed information received from one of the French deputies the Republicans, known for its ties with Russia. In it, he accused Him that it “finances the gay lobby” and promised a series of revelations about his personal life, thereby forcing Makron to publicly deny their homosexual inclinations. A month later, both the media disseminated information from WikiLeaks about alleged loyalty of Macron Hillary Clinton.
Both media would like to take influential positions, but alas… not Yet. “At the moment, until it comes to petty mischief, and not sabotage,” — said Julien, Nocetti (Julien Nocetti). “They have significant resources and was included in the list of strategically important companies, along with oil, gas and defense, which is very symbolic. They are well represented abroad, they have a lot of bureaus. But they also understand that does not have a strong influence on the course of events. The more you talk about them, the better for them. And the more it justifies the position they adopt”.
In the opinion of the expert across Russia from the French Institute of international relations, RT and Sputnik are probably not whistleblowers, and intermediaries in the distribution produced by other “information” broadcasting to 340 thousand people (Sputnik France) and 410 thousand (RT France), signed on them in Facebook and Twitter.
“They take without checking the information from the tweets purely mechanical and distribute viral content. Roughly speaking, they Troll discussion”, — said the expert. The RT should be launched in France in 2017, while the Council on audiovisual adopted the draft agreement in 2015.
“But we must make allowances for the circumstances,” adds Nina Bashkatov. Their scandalous reputation in itself is a warning for their readers. It is not that the French have no other sources of information. RT and Sputnik have a distorted view of the country about which they speak. They use unsightly and squalid side of our way of life and tend to present reality in a distorted way”.
“They consider themselves the same as all the rest of the media”
One thing is certain: journalists RT and Sputnik did not consider themselves propagandists. “The words of Macron hurt them,” explains Nina Bashkatov. These people believe in their mission and, as often happens in Russian — know no borders. They believe that they are the same as all other media.” “They don’t feel shameful of the fact that the national media reflect the views of the States it is normal for them”.
Hence the reaction of the chief editor of RT and Sputnik Margarita Simonyan to the speech of Him at Versailles. “Despite numerous accusations during the presidential campaign, we still have not been provided with any example of spreading false information about Emanuele the Makron” — she said in front of cameras… RT.
Margarita Simonyan turned to Twitter to the French President, “raising his glass of champagne that he ceased to lie about RT and Sputnik”.