The Kremlin needs a new idols to lure cannon fodder for the Donbass – an expert on the Prilepin

The Kremlin needs a new idols to lure cannon fodder in Donbass. So in Facebook the political strategist Taras Berezovets commented that the Russian writer Zakhar Prilepin became a Deputy commander of one of the gangs in the so-called “DNR”.

“Motorola and Givi has already declared a state of eternal cease-fire and will soon be forgotten. Because the light is stretched a new character, Zakhar Prilepin. Russian writer compares Russian aggression in the Donbas with the times of the great Patriotic war. As for me, a clear attempt to play the Russian Ernest Hemingway. American classic of world literature became a hero of the Civil war in Spain, where he found subjects for many of his masterpieces, in particular, of the novel “For whom the bell tolls” and the play “the Fifth column”, – he wrote.

Berezovets said that after the car washers and security guards supermarkets flow of people wanting to end their way of life in Ukraine has significantly dried up. “Because it’s time prilepina. Hemingway of Prilepin just will not work, but the Ukrainian land will still accept them all, and the car, and writers,” wrote the analyst.

As it became known today, in one of the gangs “DND” fighting the Russian writer Zakhar Prilepin, who is there on the post of Deputy battalion commander.

The Kremlin confirmed the presence of Russian writer Zakhar Prilepin in the so-called “DNR”, but refuse to comment on it.

