“At the bottom, a bomb exploded”: an outfit of the Minister of culture of Israel has caused jokes and controversy

Dress of the Minister of culture of Israel, in which she came to the opening of the Cannes film festival, was the occasion for numerous jokes and political discussions.

On the red carpet Miri Regev, one of the most prominent figures in the Israeli right to the camp, appeared in a long white skirt, the hem of which is decorated with textbook views of Jerusalem, including the disputed areas.

The choice of outfit from countryman designer of Aviad Herman the Minister explained by the proximity of the fiftieth anniversary of the unification of Jerusalem under control of Israel.

“I am proud to celebrate this historic date through art and fashion,” said Regev, who came into politics from the army, where she rose to the rank of Brigadier General.

In the six day war of 1967 Israel captured from Jordan and later annexed East Jerusalem, including the old town, the shrines of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The city, the Israelis announced that its United and undivided capital. The world does not recognize the annexation and insisted that the status of Jerusalem was determined by the results of negotiations with the Palestinians who want to see the Eastern part of the city the capital of their state.

“At the bottom, a bomb exploded,” writes about the phenomenon of the Minister of the Israeli press.

Dress inspired armed with photoshop and opponents of the occupation, seeking to convey his truth, and depoliticising Internet pranksters. One of the masters has replaced the hem panorama of Jerusalem, a concrete ribbon of the wall, which Israel has fenced in the Palestinian territory. Another posted a slogan in support of the peace process and the principle of “two States for two peoples.”

Someone from the hem up looking three Israeli parachutist with a photo 50-year-old, suddenly received a somewhat frivolous interpretation. Local rock band PR to dress your concert. On one of the papers over Jerusalem rises a mushroom of a nuclear explosion, on the other, animated fire flames, the third — flying saucer aliens.

Minister’s dress becomes a canvas of truth, showcasing the reality of Israel’s brutal & bloody #Apartheid regime https://t.co/LmR0TUEND0

— Sarah Wilkinson (@swilkinsonbc) may 18, 2017

The oldest Israeli newspaper Haaretz admits that the masters of photomontage was hard to beat the original.

“It’s hard to believe that dress the walls of the Old city, the Dome of the rock and Tower of David — not a fake, created with photoshop,” said the columnist for the newspaper, which dress seemed “aggressive and colonialist”.

