Create site in Kiev. How to start a business on the Internet

Work on the creation of a website starts with an idea. Decide for what purpose to create the website: a commercial or informational. Depends on the type of the future project, its structure and strategy. Consider a niche in which you plan to operate, and the nuances of motivation targeted visitors, which will push the user to order/buy a product/service from you.

The next step – analysis method of monetization. For this we recommend to use our tips to help you not go broke in the business.

4 tips that will make website creation a viable solution

  • Analyze the number of requests in one month with the help of Wordstat Yandex and Google Adwords. If requests are very few, the creation of a site in this niche – is meaningless;
  • Rate the commercial factor of the query. Add to the query the word “buy”, “price” or “price” and look at the number of queries with them;
  • Analyze competition. If the niche is very competitive (furniture, window, consumer goods), there is a chance of burn;
  • Consider the seasonality of the product. Permanent income choose a niche that is in demand all year round.
  • After receiving the analysis results, you can continue working yourself or contact a web Studio Impulse Design and begin site development. If you decide to work independently, we recommend you to watch the video made by our expert to understand where to start creating a website.

    The process of website development

    Selection of a domain name

    Do not skimp on the purchase of domain areas (.com .net .ua .org, etc.), he is better ranked by search engines. Pick a catchy and easy name, which must match the company name.

    Collecting semantics before website development

    The semantic core (keywords, morphological forms and phrases) is an essential element for promotion of the resource. Use the keyword planner and based on the data list corresponding to the subject site.

    The concept and structure

    Consider the structure of the future site. It should be memorable, simple to use, to have categories and subcategories, click to convert visitor to action (download, order, buy, etc.)

    Design, layout and content

    Take some time to design when creating a website. It needs to be modern, interesting, but not Intrusive. We recommend you to see examples of cool designs to

    Leave the coding to the professionals, choose the adaptive view of the site layout as it is most relevant today.

    When creating sites in Kiev and Ukraine, content plays a crucial role. It should be interesting to the visitor and also have a semantics for effective promotion. Do not skimp on the informational component of the resource and then contact a web Studio or freelancer.

    Author web Studio

