Scientists have found the spice that prolongs life

Scientists have found the spice that prolongs life. Many consumers wrongly consider it harmful and try to limit consumption, writes “Orthodox”.

Experts from the University of Northern Ohio (USA) discovered the wonderful properties of the usual cinnamon. It turned out that this overlay not only promotes longevity but also rejuvenates the body. A group of researchers headed by Professor-biochemist Amy Stoker. He explained that as a result of the experiments found out that the cinnamon interacts with certain enzymes in the body and as a result of researches it became clear that the information contained in cinnamon antioxidants prevent aging. Among the advantages of cinnamon and stimulation of metabolism, causing you to safely lose weight.

However, the use of cinnamon has its pitfalls. Scientists warn that it is necessary to observe the dosage – no more than one gram per day. In this case, the effect will be most noticeable. Spice should not be abused. This is especially true of people with diabetes.

