Good to know: Anita Lutsenko told how dangerous TRANS fats are for the body and body

To remain in good shape, it is important not only exercise, but also to consume the correct food.

This tells the fitness coach Anita Lutsenko and explains what TRANS fats are dangerous for the body and body.

“TRANS fats (cheap vegetable fat specially treated to have long shelf life and does not deteriorate) are contained in almost all processed foods and fast food. Disrupts the normal functioning of the metabolism, provokes obesity leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases (strokes, heart attacks, blood pressure, coronary artery disease)” – posted by Anita in Instagram.

In addition, the coach said, in what products most of all these unwholesome substances.

“Fatty acids (fat) used by the body to create sex hormones, TRANS fats can negatively affect testosterone levels in men. They impair the synthesis of insulin in the body, forcing the body to postpone strenuously kcal in subcutaneous fat. Where a lot of these fats: margarine, chips, French fries and chicken wings, sausage, refined vegetable oil, chocolate, pastries, ice-cream, “store-bought” desserts, mayonnaise, ketchup, dry cream for coffee,” he listed Lutsenko.

She also noted that this knowledge will help not to make mistakes, or at least “no wonder why your body is somewhat loose and not healthy, and how fat if you don’t eat anything”.

Traditionally, the coach showed a useful exercise that will help get rid of fat.

“A”shot back”. It is important to keep a taut belly and lowered his shoulders,” she signed the movie with the exercise.

That you eat it is important to think always, especially during the holidays.

Day 12 #14днейобезжиривания it is Useful to know#stratilatova TRANS fats ( cheap vegetable fat specially treated to have long shelf life and does not deteriorate) are contained in almost all processed foods and fast food. Disrupts the normal functioning of the metabolism, provokes obesity leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases ( strokes, heart attacks, blood pressure, coronary artery disease), Fatty acids (fat) used by the body to create sex hormones, TRANS fats can negatively affect testosterone levels in men. They impair the synthesis of insulin in the body, forcing the body hard to set aside the calories in the subcutaneous fat

