The wife of Putin aide Surkov owns the river in the suburbs – LRC

Natalia Dubovitskaya, the wife of a Russian presidential aide, Vladislav Surkov, in 2013, became the owner of the Likova river in Moscow oblast, although the Water code expressly prohibits such transactions. This is stated in the article “control Center investigations” (sdgs) published on the website of the movement “Open Russia”.

At the time of the Odintsovo district invested in the construction of sewage treatment plants and dams 50 million rubles from the budget, to dam the river and create lake forest.

“The documents of the river passes as a plot of land “for housing and recreational purposes” – say the authors of the investigation.


MP three district No. 3 village of Forest Town Odintsovo district Mikhail Trishin said the sdgs, as the reservoir passed into private hands, “of Course, all this is not legal, but Surkov poreshali all issues with the regional government. Know was connected to literally everything, and was a special government meeting. I together with Surkov went then to the Governor Boris Gromov”.

According to the MP, all the surrounding land, including the current personal pond Surkov, formerly belonged to the all-Russian research Institute of breeding and seed production of vegetable crops (VNIISSOK), it was grown legume and onion crops.

In the mid 90-ies Director of the Institute academician Victor Pivovarov has decided to work in housing and have a multimillion-dollar loans to three banks. However, hired workers have stolen the materials, tools and equipment. The construction stood up.

“In VNIISSOK frequent bankers with financial claims to the academician. Started with the participation of special forces of the FSB and solntsevskaya Bratva. And soon in the office Pivovarova appeared two “fixers”, – says the publication.

According to Trishina, “the fixers” repaid all debts to the banks, and in return got 400 hectares of Institute land.

“If I am having problems with the construction, the river Likova would never be in private hands,” said the local MP.

Possession of Surkov and Dubovitskaya. Photo: Tsur

MP three district No. 3 village of Forest Town Odintsovo district Mikhail Trishin said the sdgs, as the reservoir passed into private hands, “of Course, all this is not legal, but Surkov poreshali all issues with the regional government. Know was connected to literally everything, and was a special government meeting. I together with Surkov went then to the Governor Boris Gromov”.

According to the MP, all the surrounding land, including the current personal pond Surkov, formerly belonged to the all-Russian research Institute of breeding and seed production of vegetable crops (VNIISSOK), it was grown legume and onion crops.

In the mid 90-ies Director of the Institute academician Victor Pivovarov has decided to work in housing and have a multimillion-dollar loans to three banks. However, hired workers have stolen the materials, tools and equipment. The construction stood up.

Dammed the river Likova. Photo: CYAN

“In VNIISSOK frequent bankers with financial claims to the academician. Started with the participation of special forces of the FSB and solntsevskaya Bratva. And soon in the office Pivovarova appeared two “fixers”, – says the publication.

According to Trishina, “the fixers” repaid all debts to the banks, and in return got 400 hectares of Institute land.

“If I am having problems with the construction, the river Likova would never be in private hands,” said the local MP.

