Named the most popular Japanese diet: minus seven pounds in a week

If you are in search of an effective diet that will instantly help you lose weight, Japanese diet is what you need. It is enjoying unprecedented popularity around the world.


  • Five reasons never to skip Breakfast

The result is Japanese diet weight loss to seven pounds. There are a number of rules: two days before the transition to this diet should limit the amount of food. Before the first day to restrict light dinner without salt.

The main rule of the Japanese diet

  • Forbidden to use: alcohol, salt, sugar and flour products;
  • You need to drink a day not less than one and a half liters of water.
  • Menu for the week

    • Day 1

    Breakfast: coffee without sugar.
    Lunch: two boiled eggs, salad from cabbage with vegetable oil, glass of tomato juice.
    Dinner: fried fish (a piece the size of a palm).

    • Day 2

    Breakfast: coffee without sugar, one biscuit or toast.
    Lunch: 100 grams of fried or boiled fish, salad from fresh vegetables, cabbage with vegetable oil.
    Dinner: 100 grams of boiled beef, glass of kefir.

    • Day 3

    Breakfast: coffee without sugar, one biscuit or toast.
    Lunch: large grilled zucchini (200 g) in vegetable oil. You can make it as a couple.
    Dinner: two hard-boiled eggs, 200 grams of boiled beef, salad from fresh cabbage with vegetable oil.

    • Day 4

    Breakfast: coffee without sugar.
    Lunch: one raw egg, three big root carrots with vegetable oil, 20 grams of cheese.
    Dinner: fruit.

    • Day 5

    Breakfast: carrots, seasoned with lemon juice.
    Lunch: fish fried or boiled, a glass of tomato juice or fresh large tomatoes.
    Dinner: fruit.

    • Day 6

    Breakfast: coffee without sugar.
    Lunch: half boiled chicken, salad from fresh cabbage or carrots.
    Dinner: two hard-boiled eggs, salad of grated carrots with vegetable oil.

    • Day 7

    Breakfast: green tea.
    Lunch: 200 grams of boiled beef, fruit.
    Dinner: any menu of previous dinners, except for the third day of the Japanese diet.

    If you face the question how to lose weight before a vacation, a wedding, an important meeting, and left you only a week – the Japanese diet is for you.

