The lack of iron in the baby’s blood can lead to dangerous diseases

One of the consequences of iron deficiency in the blood is oxygen starvation of the brain cells. Pupils this results in increased fatigue, confusion, poor academic performance, poor memory, and behavior.

How to fix the situation? We talked with Natalia Gordienko, gastroenterologist, highest category therapist clinic Doctor Sam, and Veronica Knyazeva, pediatrician, family doctor, homeopath.


Iron comes in two forms: heme and non-heme. The first digest is not less than 50%, and is found in meat, fish, eggs. The second is in plant foods, and it absorbed no more than 7%.

Conclusion: fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds as a source of iron, are not suitable. But this is not true: heme iron is absorbed completely only if the gastrointestinal tract healthy, and the gall bladder works like a watch.

And to support these processes in a normal state allows just the use of herbal products: they contain fiber, which cleanses the digestive tract, and are a natural multivitamin complex.

For kids is: 300 g of fruit and vegetables a day, a bowl of cereal whole grains and 30-40 g of nuts (raw, can be dried at a temperature not higher than 45 °C).

Part of vitamins from the garden can be consumed in form of juice: first, the liquid food is digested faster; second, not all fruits and vegetables children are willing to eat in solid form, but from the juices refuse rare child.


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Most of the iron in rabbit meat, beef and Turkey. Also in the liver, especially beef. But the liver is useful only if you are sure that the animal or bird was grown in compliance with environmental technologies, because it is an organ that filter harmful substances.
Plant more iron in tomatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower, rose hips (by the way, iron in 100 grams of rose hips, a 28 mg, 300 times more than in apples), peach, pear and buckwheat, millet and oat cereals.


As mentioned, heme iron — a substance self-sufficient. But the absorption of iron from plant foods can prevent his antagonists. And first of all — calcium. Because yoghurt with fruit or milk porridge (rice is also a source of non-heme iron) is good from the point of view of “health” products. But in the context of the assimilation of iron this tandem invalid: fruits should be eaten with cereals or vegetables. In fact, in addition to enhance the absorption of plant iron, this combination of products provides the student with energy.

The absorption of non-heme iron also prevent fitini (champion him — egg) and tannins, the highest amount of them in tea. But of the manganese and copper the absorption of non-heme iron increase. Their biggest concentration in plant foods, in various grades of nuts. Thus, vegetable and fruit salads (or juices from them) with the addition of nuts or a bit of sugar with them — a great “iron” snack for school.

Good tandem iron and vitamin C. Because the salads (juices) are better to cook with this ingredient ascorbic, like black currant (if you mix fruit) and sweet peppers (vegetable mixes). Another friend of iron, both vegetable and “meat”, — pepsin, an enzyme produced by the stomach. The amount depends on the health of the gastrointestinal tract, and, as already mentioned, fruits, vegetables and juices from them, improve functions of the digestive organs. This indirect influence on the production of pepsin. But there is direct positive influence of fruit and vegetable juices to the level of pepsin: they increase the production of gastric juices, which contain pepsin, and improve the production of hydrochloric acid. But only in acidic environment the enzyme is active.

