Tomorrow, July 21 in Kiev, partly cloudy, light rain in places, thunderstorm, wind variable directions of 3-8 m/s air Temperature will stand at +17…+19 degrees, day +30…+32 degrees, said weather center.
In the West, partly cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, wind variable directions of 3-8 m/s air Temperature will stand at +14…+20 degrees, in the afternoon +27…+33 degrees.
In the North, partly cloudy, light rain in places, thunderstorm, wind variable directions of 3-8 m/s air Temperature will stand at +13…+20 ° C, day +26…+33 degrees.
In the centre, partly cloudy, no precipitation, wind variable directions of 3-8 m/s air Temperature will stand at +15…+20 degrees, in the afternoon +28…+34 degrees.
In the East, partly cloudy, no precipitation, wind variable directions of 3-8 m/s air Temperature will stand at +15…+20 degrees, in the afternoon +28…+33 degrees.
In the South, variable cloud, no precipitation, wind variable directions of 3-8 m/s air Temperature will stand at +15…+21 degrees, day +30…+36 degrees.