The project for prosperity and project self-destruct

Russia and China, being one of the most important States in the 21st century, will become even stronger and greater, but not by the conquest of new territories in the rules applicable to the XX century and early XXI, and thanks to global geopolitical changes in accordance with new rules established for the good of all people and Nations of our planet.


In the first days of 2015 were officially established Eurasian economic Union. Neither the Czech nor the international media has not paid him special attention. However, this new international Association, the center of which is Russia, without a doubt, worth it. The Russian President wants to create a Eurasian Union, which will include China, India, Pakistan and even Iran.


Given the scale of established institutions, committees and other bodies of political centralization, it can be assumed that the Eurasian Union has largely taken the example of Europe. The Eurasian Union has its own Commission, the development Bank, court, its own budget, a common policy in the sphere of agriculture, and, if necessary, can be entered and its own currency — the so-called Altyn.

In the first days of life of the Eurasian economic Union, Vladimir Putin, partly provocative, urged the European Union to complete negotiations on a new trade agreement with the United States and to establish closer cooperation with the Eastern countries. Today we know that the negotiations on TTIP suspended and possibly even terminated forever President Donald trump. Thus, consciously or unconsciously trump played into the hands of Putin.


Another Joker in the hands of big States in the East — the silk road project under the slogan “One belt and one road”. This project is not modest initiative is only important for China. “New silk road” — a common concern for all countries: not just China, but also other participating States, including Russia, it benefited. Initiative “Belt” and “Path” together with the preparatory studies are open to constructive opinions and suggestions of other countries that can enrich and improve the concept, vision and planning of these projects.


For Europe, the creation of a “New silk road” will be marked primarily by the emergence of alternative trade routes to bypass Russia. Now between the European Union and China daily are moving thousands of tons of goods worth over a billion dollars. Most of these volumes are transported from one end of Eurasia to the other by sea. However, due to the ever increasing congestion of the Chinese ports and the major Straits and channels products from China are in Europe only after 40 days after sending.


“New silk road”, which connects the Autonomous region of Xinjiang with Eastern Europe, will shorten this period to just 11 days.


However, if the new education will be perceived not as a partner but as a competitor in the world will continue the sad trend away from the benefits of international cooperation and deepening of mutual exclusion. During the period when breaking down logistical barriers, the main enemy of freedom and prosperity are the political barriers.


Unlike large-scale projects of the East and his overall future, as the European Union — we have to admit — extremely different from what it was during the time of our accession to the EU, and, most importantly, from which we drew the government before the referendum. The Union simply drifted away from the citizens.

If the task of the States in the East is the close cooperation, partnership, improvement and enrichment of concepts and prospects for economic prosperity in the region, the West in the face of the European Union is making plans to self-destruct. The only and brought to life by EU-funded project is merging with the more radical foreign “anti-culture”, as one aptly put it, President Zeman.


Personally, I believe that if the Eastern silk road project has the potential to lift humanity to a new stage of development and prosperity, the Western concept of the EU and its project of social engineering, economic stagnation and bureaucracy can bring the European continent to the full cultural and economic self-destruction.


