Hitler's thought lost watch could be worth up to a million euros on a secret market

2021-11-07T00: 14: 00 + 03: 002021-11-07T00: 18: 05 + 03: 002021-11-07T00: 14: 00 + 03: 002021 https://inosmi.ru/social/20211107/250851640. html Hitler's considered lost watch could cost up to a million euros on the secret market Hitler's considered lost watch could cost up to a million euros on the secret market recently, without even knowing it: on the Place Vendome or on the rue de la Paix. Under the protection of two hefty hulks, some man demonstratively … INOSMI, 11/07/2021 community, europe, france, french, france, germany, adolf hitler, winston churchill, world war ii, nazism, death, collection, rebirth, symbolshttps://cdnn1.inosmi.ru/images/23966/43/239664319.jpg52503500truehttps://cdnn1.inosmi.ru/images/23966/43/239664319.jpghttps://inosmi.ru/politic/20210506/24967:6600.html /inosmi.ru/social/20210622/249964082.htmlhttps://inosmi.ru/social/20210524/249769585.html Publishing InoSMI 154.7967 495 645-37-00 FSUE MIA “Russia Today” InoSMI 154.7967 495 645-37-00 Federal State Unitary Enterprise MIA “Russia Today” 495 645-37-00 Federal State Unitary Enterprise MIA “Russia Today”/awards/28156Le Figaro https://cdnn1.inosmi.ru/images/24665/53/246655338.gif Judikael Hirel Judikael Hirel

You may have & nbsp; them & nbsp; seen recently, not even & nbsp; suspecting about & nbsp; this: on & nbsp; Place Vendome or & nbsp; on & nbsp; rue de & nbsp; la & nbsp;. Under the protection of two hefty hulks, some man demonstratively took them out of & nbsp; pocket and & nbsp; looked at everyone's & nbsp; as & nbsp; as if advertising. Is this really the lost watch of Adolf Hitler?

Before & nbsp; this rumor about & nbsp; their & nbsp; existence was based only on & nbsp; video recording in & nbsp; a few seconds, made in & nbsp; Kehlsteinhaus, or & nbsp; Eagle's Nest, & nbsp; & mdash; a tea house near & nbsp; Hitler's headquarters in the & nbsp; Bavarian Alps. On the & nbsp; old film, the Fuehrer puts the watch in his & nbsp; pocket. But & nbsp; did this watch really belong to him? Has he worn & nbsp; them & nbsp; at least once? All that can be said for sure is & nbsp; & mdash; it is & nbsp; that this item exists, & nbsp; has no copies and & nbsp; it & nbsp; is for sale.

They say they could be seen recently under the “ golden vaults '' one of the & nbsp; luxury Parisian mansions. It is easy to determine their & nbsp; authenticity thanks to the peculiar style and & nbsp; double stigma & nbsp; & mdash; made in & nbsp; Switzerland and & nbsp; Germany: unusual lettering for & nbsp; early 1930s. The & nbsp; face of this square watch, austere and & nbsp; fashionable for & nbsp; the time, has the inscription Huber on the dial. Andreas Huber was a renowned Munich watchmaker and & nbsp; official supplier to the Bavarian court.

Eighty years in a & nbsp; safe

The people who gave this watch to Hitler were probably from his political circle and wanted to make the best gift for their time. If the movement was unnamed, and the & nbsp; Swiss case and & nbsp; dial were Germanized, then on the & nbsp; back of the case there was a characteristic image of an eagle and & nbsp; swastikas, the initials & nbsp; AH, and & nbsp; also three dates inscribed in bright red: Adolf's date of birth the date of his appointment as Reich Chancellor and & nbsp; the date of his victory in the & nbsp; elections.

Although there is no clear photograph of Hitler wearing this watch, holographic evidence of its & nbsp; origin confirms its & nbsp; age and & nbsp; authenticity. True, the watchmakers' archives do not & nbsp; confirm the existence of this particular order: they were destroyed during the bombing in & nbsp; 1945 & nbsp; year. But & nbsp; you have to be a real falsifier genius to come up with such a story.

After almost eighty years of sleep, the Huber watch was taken out of the & nbsp; safe by the descendants and & nbsp; heirs of one of the & nbsp; soldiers of General Leclerc (a French general during the Second World War, under whose command Paris was liberated from the & nbsp; Nazis & nbsp; & mdash; approx. InoSMI). He, in & nbsp; in turn, brought them & nbsp; among other souvenirs taken from the & nbsp; Eagle's Nest. What to do with & nbsp; such legacy? How much can such a thing cost? A fortune or & nbsp; nothing at all, since a watch cannot be sold, at least in & nbsp; France, both & nbsp; for & nbsp; ethical, and & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; for & nbsp; legal reasons: the sale of Nazi souvenirs and & nbsp; illegally obtained during the war of things is prohibited.

According to & nbsp; idea, these watches should be returned to the heirs of Hitler, then & nbsp; there are some people who most likely live in Bavaria. It turns out that the clock will be able to pass from & nbsp; hands to & nbsp; hands only through a private deal, concluded secretly in & nbsp; some Parisian mansion. The circle of applicants is narrow: is there hardly any & nbsp; in the world though & nbsp; would be twenty amateurs who could & nbsp; or & nbsp; would like & nbsp; to buy such a watch. And & nbsp; as & nbsp; only their & nbsp; authenticity will be confirmed, the transaction amount will increase dramatically. Will it reach & nbsp; 100 & nbsp; 000 euros or & nbsp; even 1 & nbsp; million & nbsp; & mdash; most likely cash for conspiracy? Or will the seller take in diamonds or & nbsp; bitcoins? Most likely, no one will ever & nbsp; know. & Nbsp; at best, some generous philanthropist will convince the heirs to sell them & nbsp; to him, and then donate to & nbsp; a gift to, for example, the Holocaust Museum in & nbsp; Jerusalem.

Reader Comments:


This watch is worth 50 & nbsp; million deaths and & nbsp; not & nbsp; bitcoins. Their & nbsp; place in a & nbsp; museum, in & nbsp; as an ambiguous evidence of what human nature can & nbsp; fall into.


People are always intrigued and & nbsp; carried away by everything that conceals something sacred, mystical or & nbsp; taboo. Previously, they & nbsp; could & nbsp; be carried away by de & nbsp; Gaulle or & nbsp; Churchill (people from the & nbsp; camp of the “ good guys ''). But & nbsp; these heroes have long been demystified, demythologized. They became uninteresting precisely because everything is clear, understandable and & nbsp; good with them. But, in a strange way, despite & nbsp; prohibitions, and & nbsp; maybe, thanks to them & nbsp; no one & nbsp; bothered to demythologize the Nazis. Some kind of aura of evil persists around them, like & nbsp; around some villains from & nbsp; comics. This is what & nbsp; explains the suddenly emerging fashion. Like, if Hitler's watch was found, then, probably, his hour may come again.


Obviously, the media wants to impose on us a certain view of & nbsp; Europe through & nbsp; history!


They & nbsp; just need to be thrown into the & nbsp; trash.


Leclerc's soldiers smashed Hitler's crystal glasses, shooting at them. Many of & nbsp; them secretly took away with them various trinkets & hellip;

kiti le & nbsp; poissonnier

The family that owns the watch & nbsp; & mdash; this is the family of the hero & nbsp; and, at the same time, the family of the marauder. If she tries to sell this watch, & nbsp; will prove that the dishonor of this soldier's relatives & nbsp; has been & nbsp; & nbsp; for several generations.

A & iuml; cha Soufi

< p> It seems to me that such a fascination with objects and & nbsp; history of the Third Reich is explained by some deep doubts: maybe the West made a mistake on the road, finding itself in a & nbsp; dead end?


They & nbsp; need to be destroyed!

& nbsp;

