Experts told how to become happy

2021-11-07T00: 27: 00 + 03: 002021-11-07T00: 27: 04 + 03: 002021-11-07T00: 27: 00 + 03: 002021 html Experts told how to become happy Specialists told how to become happy the opposite. Throughout the day you think about … INOSMI, 07.11.2021 community, europe, great britain, arabic, happiness, freedom, psyche // : // /20210104/248783191.htmlPublishing InoSMI 154.7967 495 645-37-00/awards/28156 Publishing InoSMI 154.7967 495 645-37-00 FSUE MIA “Russia Today”/28156 Edition of Inosmi 154.7967 495 645-37-00 FGUP MIA ” Russia today “https: //russiaassegodny.rf/awards/28156Rai Al Youm

Most people are convinced that enough free time will make them happy, but & nbsp; new research suggests & nbsp; the opposite.

Throughout the day, you think about & nbsp; what you need to do at home or & nbsp; at work, and & nbsp; how much free time you have left for & nbsp; yourself. This makes you feel depressed or tense.

According to a study published on & nbsp; last week, having free time does not necessarily make you happy.

Scientists analyzed data from two surveys of more than 35 thousand Americans, in which participants spoke in detail about & nbsp; what they did during the & nbsp; the previous day and & nbsp; how it affected them.

It was found that excess free time negatively affects & nbsp; feelings of well-being.

People with up to & nbsp; two hours of free time on a & nbsp; day reported that they feel happier than those who do not & nbsp;.

But people who have five and & nbsp; more hours of free time in & nbsp; day, said they were feeling worse.

Researchers came to the & nbsp; conclusion that it is optimal to have two to three hours of free time in a & nbsp; day.

“ Too little time & nbsp; & mdash; that's bad, but & nbsp; no longer & nbsp; is always better & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; says Professor Marisa Sharif, professor of marketing at the & nbsp; Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and & nbsp; lead author of the study.

The researchers also conducted several online experiments. In one of & nbsp; them, they asked participants to imagine having from & nbsp; 3.5 to & nbsp; 7 free hours on a & nbsp; day and & nbsp; how they & nbsp; would spend this time, taking into account productive (training or & nbsp; hobbies) or & nbsp; unproductive (watching TV) classes. Subjects reported that they would feel unhappy if they didn’t use this free time productively.

