Svenska Dagbladet (Sweden): that is why extroverts are happier than introverts

Open, talkative, loves to meet new people. Glad to be the center of attention.

Some of the qualities and personality types in our society are valued above others. We are talking about an elementary sociability and communication skills. And here, extroverts tangible advantage. For several decades researches convincingly testify that the extroverts tend to be happier than introverts.

“Extroversion is closely linked with happiness. The more one “extra”, the happier he is. Social contacts are so important for happiness, what if we talk more you will become happier. In favor of this hypothesis many studies,” says Professor of psychology at the University of California at riverside and the author of several books about happiness Sonia Lubomirski (Sonja Lyubomirsky).

But a few years ago introverts rehabilitated. In his book “Introverts. How to use the features of his character,” the former lawyer Susan Cain (Susan Cain) wrote that this society is forcing introverts to become extroverts.

This affects not only themselves introverts — we all miss a lot of advantages of introversion, she wrote.

And then if a pipe burst. The book became a bestseller, it rained the other on the same subject, blossomed riotous color blogs and groups for introverts. Broke the whole people’s movement. If you’re an introvert, this does not mean that you’re some kind of weirdo. It was commonplace to refuse invitations to parties, preferring the seclusion with the new series.

But the fact remains: the relationship between extraversion and happiness is strong. But the thing doesn’t seem within character and in our behavior. Several studies in this area show that introverts, too, will benefit from social activity.

First, scientists have studied the personality, health and well-being 131 participant. Then Sonia Lubomirski and her colleagues asked half of them to be so extrovert as possible. The whole week they tried to be spontaneous, talkative and defend their point of view. All this time, they are constantly reminded.

The other half were asked to be quiet, withdrawn and reserved. A week later the group changed. Their happiness and well-being were again tested.

It was found that when the participants had to be extroverts, their psychological health improved, they felt more joy from communication — even those who are by nature introvert. The effect, said the researchers, was the stronger, more than people in ordinary life from extroverts.

Conversely, during the week forced the closure of their welfare decreased.

“We saw the largest effect for all the studies,” says Sonia Lubomirski.

So maybe introverts can become happier, often taking the initiative, but without fanaticism. In another new similar study, where participants were asked a week to be extroverts, too, showed a positive emotional effect.

But the most introverted of introverts is not the case — on the contrary, they have experienced a whole range of negative emotions and felt completely exhausted.

Sonia Lubomirski believes that the amount of extroversion. In her study remind the participants came three times a week, and in the second study, a few pieces daily and also on mobile phone.

“Our members do not have to be extroverts every minute. They were free to choose where and when — for example, more chat over lunch. If we asked them to be extroverts for an hour a day, I’m sure they are stronger suffered to be,” she says.

So why do introverts, as a rule, not so happy? Perhaps all due to the fact that higher extroversion is valued in our culture, because it gives a better job and more friends.

But it is possible that this is due to the fact that, historically, we have survived thanks to social contacts, says Sonia Lubomirski. For example, a number of studies show that loneliness, both emotional and real, negative impact on physical and mental well-being.

Another interesting detail from another study Lubomirski is that extroverts were more energetic, and the energy level is also correlated with level of happiness.

“Extroverts have to be more energetic and more likely to take the initiative. I think this is because extroverts have more social contacts, they strengthen their social relationships and make new friends. And the sense of intimacy — an important happiness”.

