Japanese media: Russia at the G7 summit and the anti-China coalition

All Central mass media of Japan to actively discuss and comment on the idea of the American President Donald trump to expand the G7 format by inviting new members — India, South Korea, Australia and Russia.

A focal point that attracts attention here, is the lack of potential invited China. In this regard, the initiative of the trump discernible anti-China approaches and even the desire to “isolate” China. Japanese experts and analysts believe that Abe’s government in this situation must act carefully. To stand in complete opposition to China Japan with no hands. It has its own interests in the Chinese direction. You should carefully examine and consider the ambiguous position of the European countries. They are in no hurry to carry out anti-Chinese “ideas” trump and prefer equidistant position between the United States and China. As for Russia, in General, the statements of Japanese media in this respect can be assessed as neutral, however, we believe that against its participation in the G11 will dramatically be influential team members in the UK, Canada and partly Germany.

Analytical article in the newspaper “Mainichi Shimbun” and is called “Extending the format of the group G7, trump has a view of is the creation of a broad international coalition against China.” Citing diplomatic sources, the newspaper points out: “the Goal of the new initiative trump clear — the creation of a broad anti-Chinese coalition. It is necessary from the point of view of strengthening the U.S. position in the confrontation with China deteriorated sharply in the context of pandemic coronavirus. He even wants to invite into the coalition of Russia, although it is astonishing.”

“The Sankei Shimbun” echoed the newspaper “Mainichi” in the evaluation of anti-Chinese nature of the plans of trump, and in the article “the format Extension G7 it is better to limit 10 participants and without Russia” highlights another aspect of the intentions of the American President: “He wants to raise the fight against authoritarian China, all the international democratic community, United by a common democratic values”. The newspaper notes that the USA “are pretty thin take into account the moment in relation to Australia and India. First after the epidemic of the coronavirus anti-Chinese mood is extremely tense. The second entered the next stage of military tension with China on border disputes. Few apart here is Korea, but trump hopes to keep her on anti-Chinese discourse by strengthening military-political triangle of US-Japan-South Korea”.

On anti-Chinese thrust of the proposals indicates trump and the newspaper “Yomiuri Shimbun”that the article “a Blatant attempt by trump to achieve international isolation of China” writes: “the Americans beat right in the “underbelly” of China, surrounding it with its faithful allies in matters of security in the Indo-Pacific region — Japan, Australia and South Korea — and trying to draw in this format even Russia, traditionally with China quasi-Alliance relations. In addition, it is also a sharp increase in the Indo-Pacific political and military strategy of the United States”.

However, trump may not necessarily be easily implemented. The same “Yomiuri” writes: “Among the founders of the G7, particularly in Europe, is now clearly dominated by a cautious approach to initiatives trump. Many “old” members of the group do not wish to be embroiled in a tough us-China confrontation.” Among other things, their approaches are influenced by recently intensified opposition by the US on various issues — from military to energy. “The Sankei Shimbun” pointed out: “Even with a loyal ally of America — South Korea — is not so clear. She consistently holds a “dual” diplomatic — military-political Union with the United States and a very active and ambitious economic ties with China. So her presence in the group of the most developed countries of the world can not only contribute to tougher policy towards China, but on the contrary, to “blur” the unity of the West in this regard. Among experts there is an opinion that the invitation of the Korea in group G10 trump pushes it to a final choice between America and China”.

Regarding the position of Japan in relation to the proposals trump, the pass-through thought, through publications is a call for caution in formulating its position.

NHK in the publication “Yoshihide Suga: Japan will take a cautious approach to the question of the extension G7″ emphasizes: “the Secretary-General of the Cabinet of Ministers of Japan Acehide Suga was extremely careful in the evaluations of the initiatives trump. He said only that the Japanese government knows about them and has consulted with the American administration. Suga limited himself to stating the General provisions that G7 and its possible successors should act on resolving common global problems in a spirit of partnership and cooperation.”

The newspaper “Asahi Shimbun” in the article “the Japanese government does not understand trump’s plans to expand the groups G7 to G11″ reports with reference to sources in the leadership of the Japanese Ministry of foreign Affairs: “Japan has been notified by the us administration about the timing of a G7 summit. But only just. No details Americans are not officially reported to us. The Japanese foreign Ministry does not fully understand what is behind the initiatives trump. For the expansion of the G7 at least need the consent of all its members. Even the coordination of this procedure is a very complex case.”

In this regard, the newspaper “Yomiuri” writes: “According to government circles, the Abe Cabinet is not interested in worsening relations with China in that case will worsen the us-China confrontation. I think it is prudent to take a cautious stance. Of course, the G7 format offers a number of advantages from the point of view of criticism of China’s policy, for example, in Hong Kong. But needless to irritate Beijing and Tokyo would not be with hands. Especially next spring before the upcoming state visit to Japan by Chinese President XI Jinping”. And he adds: “According to the Japanese foreign Ministry, they believe that the invitation of South Korea and Australia in group G11 will lead to the erosion of the political weight of Japan in the new unification of the world’s most developed countries. But Japan belongs to the old founding members of the G7”.

In the Japanese media is also dealt with “controversial” the idea of trump’s invite to a “world club” and Russia. The newspaper “Asahi” indicates that it will certainly meet opposition from European members of G7. “Mainichi” believes that the issue of the invitation to the group of Russia “will generate heated debate in the West about the restoration of her rights in the international community amid the annexation of Crimea in 2014”. “Yomiuri” in this context recalls the twists and turns of excluding Russia from the G8 group.

The newspaper “the Sankei Shimbun” in the already quoted article “the format Extension G7 it is better to limit 10 participants and without Russia” in General poses the question: “we are talking about the extension of the group of advanced countries, United by common values of freedom and democracy. What does Russia do?” “The Sankei” in this regard, writes: “In the us Congress there is still a strong aversion to Russia in connection with allegations about its interference in the American elections in 2016. In these circumstances, for trump, it would be wiser in the first stage to limit the creation of the G10 format without Russia.”

At the same time, “the Sankei Shimbun” suggested that “the American administration, identifying China as the current “main enemy”, come from the undesirability of war “on two fronts” and try to achieve some stability in relations with Russia.”

