Groisman initiated a large-scale security checks throughout Ukraine

Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman instructed the heads of regions to check all public facilities, especially place of residence of children and the elderly, for compliance with safety regulations. About it reported in a press-service of the government.

According to the report, such decision is dictated by the need to avoid in the future “situation, which happened in Odessa when in the children’s camp “Victoria” in the fire killed the children.”

The head of government stressed that it is inadmissible to neglect, helplessness, and abuse lead to loss of life, especially the lives of children.


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“We have sent a special team of investigators to conduct a thorough investigation and to bring all those responsible to justice,” – said Groisman.

He added that the existing in Ukraine the moratorium on testing “is not an excuse for abuse.”

“Today we decide to check all objects… we are not an end in itself fine. The challenge is to provide adequate security,” – said Groisman.

We will remind, a fire in the municipal children’s camp “Victoria” occurred in the night of Saturday, September 16. Fire the wooden case, in which there were 42 children, three children have died. The building burned to the ground.

Rescuers laid a line of fire hoses to 1300 m, and in adjacent buildings and private house from the temperature of the melted window and door. At the time of emergency on the territory of the camp there were 150 children and 60 adults. Parents of campers were furious, saying that children had to get out of captivity fire and victims could be more.

According to employees of gschs, in 2016, the camp installed a fire alarm but turned it off in the summer, and a contract with a private firm, which receives reports of fires, terminated. In early summer, the lifeguards gave the administration the order to eliminate violations, but ignored them.

