Have Kanev for spriyannya Prat “Ukrggri” ustanovili sonaco the shop to charge mobilnih pristrom

Pid shop vstanovleno batteries, that nakamitsu charge. TSE daє zmogu, sarawati electron priladi navti vnoc. Odnochasno from Sonyachna shop we sarawati Vier Moblin Prista via USB Porti. ENERG dostatno, dwellers over there, zaradite from 20 to 30 smartfon.

Batteries obladnannia Protevangelium the Zahist.

Shop vstanovleno in the framework programs include social Netiv compan “Ukrggri” for spriyannya osobiste Director General Igorya Siroti.

Welfare of the people – TSE kluczowe priority “Ukrggri”. De b mi not pracovali, sudi mi alagogo drain dorc vancini s communities. Our CEO Igor Syrota , pdimov ntsetup iz vstanovlennya for this reason shop. Won’t simple, and sun. I TSE symbols one baglivi fact, without development of toenergy not mogliby rozvytok Sonyachna energy. Skin hto pragna Krasova I more clean for the future of Ukraine’s got Tsey fact usvit. And kancy naperedodni Day Mista Bajan dobrobytu I procuranda!”, – respown Vasil Gryn, Director FL “Canseco GES”.

First sonaco shop ustanovili have CIV have cut 2017 the rock, and the axis z Novara now I’yavylasya in Kanev.

“TAC order – so to be in “Ukrggri”. Always stink, so I think I robili scho Taka Tsna spivpratsya bude prodolgovataya. Stink to sublet our Misto, Bo stench Nashi, mi povezav hni work, people, yaki pratsyuyut there”, zaznaczyl MSCI head Caneva Igor Renkas.

If the first kanska shop prizhivutsya, number of stalls Kanev Mauger Prosti.

Prat “Ukrggri” – one z Pravda energetichnih companies of Ukraine, Yak viable elektroenergiyu zabezpiecze so Swan nakopychuval paternost, that neohd for development of alternative energy – Sonyachna vtronic of elektrostantsiy.

Energy Sonts I wtru virossa not then, if it spozywczym, and then, if je sonce . wind. Vyrobeno the energy required nakopychuval, I vdavali the system, if necessary spozywczym. For tsogo have in bugout garagoyunlus electrostats. DW TAC electrostats vzhe duty in Ukraine – Vyshgorod I Novodnestrovsk, plants sporogonia analogno pumping station in Kanevskomu rayon. So toenergy storyurl umove for development of vbnewline jerel, and also ntegrat Ukraine s Evropeiskim Ob gnanam of energosystem.

Pattemouche design for ksztalt Sonyachna shop Prat “Ukrggri” posila signal suspilstvu about povna bezuprechno Patrico alternative energy. Bodycult, on the territory of Ukrainian GIES will buduvati Plavac Anacin electrostats, Yak TSE to roblet, for example, Portugal.

