Gordon Ramsay has named the place where they will never have

Of course, Gordon Ramsay’s high standards, but is there actually a place where he’ll never be there? It turned out that the location where the chef refuses to eat, is the plane.

In an interview with Refinery29 Gordon talked about their feelings about aircraft food and how they are caused.

“I would never have the aircraft,” he said. “I worked in the airlines for ten years, so I know where was this food, where it comes from and how much time passes prior to its delivery to the Board.”

So, according to the world-famous chef, to do the hungry traveler? Gordon advises to eat at the airport: “Find the Italian restaurant and order meat, a glass of red wine, sliced apples or pears with Parmesan cheese”.

Alternatively, of course, you can eat in the restaurant Gordon called Plane Food, located in the fifth terminal of London Heathrow airport. There you will find pasta with cheese and truffles, squid Szechuan and spicy tuna tartare. And, of course, none of this warmed up in convection ovens.


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