Active preparation for winter: the fifth ship with coal from South Africa arrived to Ukraine

On September 18 in the port “South” has arrived the fifth ship from South Africa, which delivered 75 tons of anthracite to thermal power plants of DTEK. In the port simultaneously unloads two bulk carrier with imported anthracite that will allow TES to accumulate the company’s resource for stable operation during the heating season.

The bulk carrier “MIN SHENG 1” moored in the port at 22:30 on September 18. The unloading process will take roughly three days. The bulk carrier “Semiramis” with 80 tons of anthracite, who arrived in the “South” on September 17 unloaded at 85%.

All imported coal going to the warehouses of the Pridneprovskaya and Krivorozhskaya TPP power, which helps to cover the lack of power in the power system.

“DTEK has set for domestic energy has 375 thousand tons of anthracite from South Africa. These volumes allowed us to pass the summer peak loads on the power system of the country. In October we expect to arrive in Ukraine for another 150 thousand tonnes of South African coal in order to create the necessary reserves of a resource in the warehouses of our thermal power plants in anticipation of the heating season”, – said the commercial Director of DTEK Energy Vitaly Butenko.

Recall, from September 2017, DTEK started to implement a program consisting of three key steps to reduce the import of coal. Step # 1 – transfer of blocks of anthracite on coal gas. Step 2 – provision of Ukrainian coal thermal power plants production. And step # 3 – upgrades capacity thermal power plant for efficient and uninterrupted operation.

The most important action of DTEK for sustainable energy supply of Ukraine in the autumn-winter period can be found on the website.

