How to distinguish real honey from fake

“How to distinguish fake honey from real? Are there any very well indisputable signs of forgery?” — Tatiana Anisimova.

Meets Elena Svitko, a naturopathic doctor:

Is. Moreover, a large part of the features allows you to spot the fake without leaving your counter.

First: ask the seller to scoop up the honey with a spoon and see how the honey dripping from it. Fake falls by type of water: dramatically after the show, and when you touch the surface it forms some kind of spray. Natural flows viscous and thread on the little plate forms a spreading mound. If you have the opportunity to drip on the paper, the fake will create the wet spot.


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Second: try honey for taste. A real must in one way or another to burn the throat and immediately dissolve in the mouth. A fake will leave in your mouth nuggets and will have the flavor of caramel (even very little).

Third: if you see crystallized honey is not mean that it is fake. Any honey from November begins to crystallize, and if it is sold in September, probably just last year (though from buying it is better still to give up, but for a different reason — the longer the honey is stored, so it is certainly less useful). To ensure that crystallized honey is real, RUB a drop between your thumb and forefinger. If the grains are not dissolved is fake. But liquid honey in late autumn, spring and winter — fake: as I said, liquid this time of year, it can not be.

