What will happen to the Ukrainians in the fall: a record-expensive heating fee for gas and new regulations

Ukrainians after a few months will receive the first bills for heating. The upcoming season could be record expensive for subsidianes: reduced the season length and regulations that is charged to “discount”. In addition, according to the Memorandum with the IMF in the near future nkreku to introduce a monthly fee for gas. The website “Today” found that waiting for the Ukrainians during the heating season 2017/2018.

Subsidianes have to pay more

In October, Ukrainians will come first bills for heating. This heating season may be a record expensive in the first place for subsidianes. So, a few months ago, the Cabinet decided to reduce the heating season for the Ukrainians, who are themselves heat their homes and apartments. If the grant covers the costs for such families on the first of October to 30 of April, this heating season will start for them only on 15 October and will end on April 15. If you turn on the heating early, or to end the heating season later, for the “extra” month will have to pay without subsidies.

In addition, decreased and the consumption rate, which is charged to “utilities discount”. For example, the subsidy covers 5.5 cubic meters of gas for heating per square meter, now only five cubes. The ratio of electricity consumption decreased from 65 to 51 kWh of electricity (if electric heating) and Central heating – with 0,0548 to 0,0431 Gcal of heat (if the Central heating).

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Reducing regulations will lead to the fact that the state would spend less on subsidies, said the ex-the head of Department on public relations of “Naftogaz” Valentin Zemlyansky. “This will lead to the reduction of subsidies. Social norms are reduced, and the subsidy covers only social norms. In addition, it will lead to growth of payment. Something to cover the subsidy, and the rest people have to pay themselves,” – says the expert.

“This will lead to the reduction of subsidies. Social norms are reduced, and the subsidy covers only social norms. In addition, it will lead to growth of payment. Something to cover the subsidy, and the rest people have to pay themselves,” – says the expert.

At the same time, the coordinator of housing programs of the civil network OPORA Tetiana Boiko is sure that social standards are too high and should be reduced. So, the Ukrainians are no subsidies in the past heating season used twice less gas to heat homes, says the expert. This situation is explained by the fact that many subsidiaty spent exactly as much gas as bedspreads aid, and did not think about the economy.

“Grantees need to learn to conserve and think about energy-efficient measures in their home. If it’s an apartment house, to gather with neighbors, to create condominiums, to take “Warm loan” (for subsidianes the state covers 70 percent of the loan). Of course, they are good and encouraging. For example, the monetization of the remnant of the saved subsidies (this year this amount is symbolic – up to 700 UAH),” – says Tatiana Boyko.

What will happen to rates

As stated in the Ministry of social policy: substantive increase in utility prices is already behind us. So, in March of this year was the final stage of the increase in the cost of electricity, and in October of last year, when the Cabinet will increase the price of gas to 6,879 hryvnia per cubic meter, Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman stated that the last increase in the state’s history. “We will consider an important decision for us and for the state the question of establishing a unified gas prices. I am convinced that we today make our point, and this will be the last change on gas in the life of our state”, – said the Prime Minister.

However, to increase gas price sooner or later, experts believe. Thus, the current rate pegged to the hryvnia exchange rate and the cost of imported fuel. If last year’s gas for Ukraine was worth about $ 185, in this year’s budget assumes the price of gas is $ 245 per thousand cubic meters. By the way, according to the decree of Cabinet of Ministers No. 90, on February 21, the price of gas should be revised on the first of April and first of October of each year. The revision of the tariff will take into account the monthly average gas prices in the German hub NCG (per semester) taking into account transportation costs to the Ukrainian border and the entrance to the CTA in terms of the official rate of the NBU, as well as tariffs for transportation, distribution, and margin of “Naftogaz”. If you find that the rate of generated on import parity, higher current is not less than 10%, gas prices will reconsider.

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In an interview with one of the TV channels a few months ago Vladimir Groisman confirmed at the moment to raise tariffs, the government has no plans. “The increase in natural gas prices for Ukrainian citizens, we do not support. Prices will remain in the natural fluctuations of prices in line with inflation including, therefore, any sudden changes in pricing will not happen”, – said Groisman.

“The increase in natural gas prices for Ukrainian citizens, we do not support. Prices will remain in the natural fluctuations of prices in line with inflation including, therefore, any sudden changes in pricing will not happen”, – said Groisman.

We will remind, tariffs for electricity, water and heating is determined by the national Commission in the areas of energy and utilities (CRACK), and the cost of natural gas is determined by government. At the same time gas prices depend on the cost of hot water and heating. So, if the Cabinet will raise a single tariff for gas, NKREKU following will increase the cost of hot water and heating.

The cost of cold water primarily depends on electricity prices, consumption and labor cost. Rising minimum wage is necessary to revise the cost of water. For example, if the Ukrainians have spent on cold water 100 hryvnia, on average, the 38.2 of the hryvnia will be spent on the salaries of employees of the local “Vodokanal” of 27.4 hryvnia will be spent on light (the pumps are powered by electricity) and 21.2 of the hryvnia – for banking services, checking meters, 70 cents – for the payment of interest on loans, 4,5 hryvnia for repair of 6.5 hryvnia depreciation and 1.5 hryvnia in taxes and fees.

Of gas promise to introduce a monthly fee

The Ukrainian government in the Memorandum with the IMF has committed itself to share the price of gas. If the decision is accept, the Ukrainians will receive two bills – one for gas as a commodity, the second – for distribution and transportation natural gas (so-called subscription fee). This decision complies with European directives and provided by the adopted law “On gas market”. The fourth of August, the members of the national Commission on questions of gosregulirovaniya in strech energy and komuslug (NKREKU) gathered in order to approve the draft changes to methods of calculating “monthly fee”.

“The Commission identifies only 13% in the structure of gas prices – the cost of transportation and distribution,” explains the head of the national Commission Dmitry Vovk. Ukrainians are now paying for each cubic meter of blue fuel of 6.87 hryvnia. Officials propose to divide the rate for each cubic meter used to pay six hryvnia + regardless of the volume of consumption of a fixed amount (“monthly fee”). While wolf notes that in the resolution the word “fee” is never mentioned, the innovation is called “fee for transportation and distribution”.

The introduction of a payment for capacity (the”monthly fee”) – the issue has been resolved by law. Now officials are discussing how to consider it. If under the existing methodology, which had planned to introduce in April of this year and which still remains the only approved, it all depends on the maximum power of the meter, in the new regulation offer more favorable consumer conditions.

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About 70% of Ukrainian families use gas only for cooking. Gas stove consumes 1,2 cubic meters per hour. A bandwidth meter G1,6 – 2.5 cubic meters. Counter with power less does not happen. That is, the Ukrainian old-school approach can use the capacity of 1.2 cubic meter, and to pay for capacity in a 2.5 cube.

The new method offered for anyone from gas appliances is only a plate, take it to power 2.5 cubic meters, and 1.2 cube. For example, under the old methodology with the meter G1,6 and a gas stove would have the capital to pay a “subscription fee” at 29.3 rate for new still unapproved method of 11.48 hryvnia. So, a family that spends five cubic meters of gas per month, now pays 34,3 hryvnia, and the new method will pay – 41,48 hryvnia (UAH 30 for gas and the hryvnia of 11.48 “license fee”).

But for those Ukrainians who use gas for heating, “fee” best. For example, the owners of the meter G4 will assume a capacity of 4 cubic meters per hour. In Kiev with such a “counter fee” will be the 38.2 of the hryvnia (excluding VAT). So, now the family in the capital, which burns in the winter 100 cubic meters of gas per month, have to pay 687 hryvnias, and after the introduction of “license fee” – 638,2 hryvnia.

