How to get rid of heartburn without pills: unusual way

Observing a special diet, you can avoid the medication that have many side effects and “maim” the other organs, reports The Daily Mail.

Patients who followed the Mediterranean diet, as effectively treated from the symptoms of acid reflux (heartburn), as well as those who took pills and did not comply with the diet. But at the same time, the first group of patients was not observed side effects from taking pharmaceutical drugs.

Patients who took part in the study ate mostly fruits, vegetables, wholegrain, nuts, dairy products, meat, including beef, chicken, fish, eggs and pork. People have been avoiding known triggers of reflux. Such as coffee, tea, chocolate, sodas, fatty, spicy and fried foods, and alcohol. Vegetable diet people also lost weight and required fewer drugs to lower blood pressure, and high cholesterol. In addition, the diet allows to reduce such risk factors as stroke, Alzheimer’s, kidney damage from long-term use of IPP.


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The researchers also believe that moving in the right direction in finding methods of treatment without medication.and drank rich in alkali water, had a better rate of recovery than those who took proton pump inhibitors (PPIS).

STIs are the most commonly prescribed form of drugs in the United States, representing more than $10 billion a year for medical expenses. Drugs neutralize stomach acid and are widely prescribed by doctors for people with various diseases associated with the types of acidity and heartburn. However, drugs of this type have serious side effects and increased risk of death. Gastric or esophageal reflux – the abnormal flow of the stomach contents. This is due to poor functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter. The contents mixed with hydrochloric acid, and the content becomes too acid, but the esophagus is not adapted to it. So as acid liquid moves up the esophagus, causing as a result, the inflammation which causes spasms and pain – classic symptoms of reflux. Repeated reflux over many years can cause damage to the esophagus, a condition known as Barrett’s esophagus.


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Patients who took part in the study ate mostly fruits, vegetables, wholegrain, nuts, dairy products, meat, including beef, chicken, fish, eggs and pork. People have been avoiding known triggers of reflux. Such as coffee, tea, chocolate, sodas, fatty, spicy and fried foods, and alcohol. Patients on vegetable diet also lost weight and required fewer drugs to lower blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

In addition, the diet allows to reduce such risk factors as stroke, Alzheimer’s, kidney damage from long-term use of IPP. The researchers also believe that moving in the right direction in finding methods of treatment without medication.

