Sunflower seeds: who can and who can not

Sunflower seeds are beneficial to the body. Dietary purposes and for treating them better to eat raw, do not cook. Regular long luthania harm – above all, that destroys tooth enamel, says the website

Useful properties of sunflower seeds

Natural product helps to accelerate the healing of soft tissues, to quickly restore power after infectious and other diseases. Depending on grade, 50 grams of sunflower seeds contain up to 30 grams of unrefined sunflower oil. Rich in nutrients composition often covers the daily requirement of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids.


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Natural product helps to accelerate the healing of soft tissues, to quickly restore power after infectious and other diseases. Depending on grade, 50 grams of sunflower seeds contain up to 30 grams of unrefined sunflower oil. Rich in nutrients composition often covers the daily requirement of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids.

  • Vitamins

Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamins required for healthy skin, mucous membranes, normalization of acid-alkaline balance.

Vitamin E (tocopherol). Lipolysis, the body gets energy. At the same time formed peroxides that disrupt the integrity of cell membranes. Through damaged membranes penetrate debris, including fragments of the molecules of the cell – the so-called free radicals. They cause tumors of different nature. Admission to a sufficient amount of vitamin C turns hydrogen peroxide into harmless to body connection. Vitamin E is important for the sex glands, cardiac muscle. Stocks tocopherol must be constantly restored. Symptoms of deficiency are the nervous and muscular disorders, difficulty walking. Useful sunflower seeds high in vitamin E: 100 g of product twice daily need.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) regulates the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, essential for energy production involved in the preparation for cell division. Sufficient intake of thiamine improves thinking, improves the ability to learn, slows the aging process, and normalizes the appetite. Thiamine is required for muscle tone digestive tract and the heart muscle (myocardium). Helps with motion sickness, seasickness. Sunflower seeds useful high content of thiamine: 100 grams of product provides 122% of the daily requirement.

Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid) participates in redox reactions, promotes the growth of tissues, normalizes fat metabolism, regulates the formation of bad cholesterol. Stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, the liver and pancreas. Nicotinic acid is essential for synthesis of hormones of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, insulin, cortisone, thyroxine. Sunflower seeds useful high content of nicotinic acid: 100 grams of product provides 78% of the daily requirement.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is required for complete digestion of fatty acids, influences the work of enzymes. An adequate supply of vitamin B6 normalizes the metabolic processes in the tissues of the brain, improves memory, skin condition. Pyridoxine dulls the feeling of nausea, diuretic. In case of deficiency, decreased appetite, deteriorating skin condition. Sunflower seeds useful high content of pyridoxine: 100 grams of product provides 67% of the daily requirement.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid). When the body is balanced metabolism, ageing is slower, life expectancy is increasing. With age, the metabolism slows down. To maintain gene activity, preventing cell division and mutation, the smooth and proper operation of the DNA, reducing the risk of developing tumors need sufficient intake of vitamin B9. Sunflower seeds useful high content of folic acid: 100 grams of product provides 56% of the daily requirement.

  • Harm sunflower seeds

Despite the many useful properties, the product may cause harm. It is necessary to exclude from the diet of sunflower seeds and unrefined sunflower oil if you are allergic to grass pollen.

Also, this product lot of calories. The caloric value of 100 grams of peeled sunflower seeds is 600 kcal. For comparison, the caloric value of 100 grams of lard almost 800 calories. In 100 grams of helpful product about a third of the daily requirement of protein (27%), a lot of fat (88%), few carbs (5%). Dietary fiber (25%) contribute to cleansing the intestines and lowering cholesterol.

