Than healthy spinach and whom it is contraindicated

Spinach has a high nutrient density. It’s low in calories and very high in vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. When you eat this product, you don’t need to worry about what you will be gaining extra weight and what needs to go on a diet. Your body receives an abundance of beneficial nutrients. Spinach normalizes and regulates the urinary, lymphatic and digestive systems, writes

It zelenolistnoe plant that contains vitamin K, vitamin a, magnesium, folate, manganese, iron, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B2, potassium, vitamin B6, selenium, nicotinic acid, fatty acid omega-3, iodine. Spinach is an excellent source of protein, phosphorus, vitamin E, zinc, fiber and copper.

One of the benefits of spinach is easily accessible. Today, the spinach you can get anywhere in our planet. Spinach can be purchased at almost every supermarket or grow your own – plant is not fussy, so this bunch of vitamins you can get it on the windowsill.

Spinach can be consumed raw, added to salad, or vegetable cocktail. Spinach you can cook separate dishes or add to soups or other dishes. If you cook the spinach, then cook it as little as possible time. Fresh spinach contains the greatest amount of vitamins and minerals. During heat treatment the nutrients it reduced by half, significantly reduced the level of oxalic acid.

Spinach is full of flavonoids, which act as natural antioxidants, protecting the body from free radicals. Spinach contains a substance apigenin, which helps to fight the formation of cancer cells. It is a substance penetrating into the structure of cancer cells, killing them.

Spinach also supports and stimulates the cardiovascular system. It contains high levels of vitamins C and A, which are themselves antioxidants and help to reduce the number of free radicals in the body. Antioxidants keep cholesterol from oxidation. In addition, folates (b complex group) have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system in General. While carotenoids provide the walls of the arteries additional nutrients and protect from the negative influence.

Studies have shown that eating large amounts of spinach and green vegetables slows down the aging process of brain function. Spinach is a lot of dietary fiber that allows the fats to be absorbed to a lesser extent. Beta-carotene and vitamin C protect the cells of the colon from harmful effects of free radicals. With the help of dietary fiber in the spinach helps to eliminate constipation.

He also has anti-inflammatory properties, which has beneficial effects on diseases such as arthritis, osteoporosis, migraine, asthma.

It also contains lutein, which prevents eye diseases such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Lutein is better absorbed if the spinach is with a small amount of any fat, such as olive oil. The main function of lutein is to enhance human immunity and protect against various types of cancers, in particular gastric cancer.

Spinach contains a sufficient amount of iron needed for oxygen supply of all body cells, making people full of strength and energy.

Important to know:

– some people may be allergic to spinach (develops within several hours after eating);

the spinach absorbs all the pesticides with which he is treated when growing;

– people who have disturbed water-salt metabolism (liver diseases, kidney, nephritis, gall bladder disease and pancreas), spinach strictly contraindicated;

– due to the large number of oxalic acid, spinach can cause stone formation, therefore contraindicated in people with urolithiasis;

– spinach can negatively affect the thyroid gland, although heat treatment may reduce the amount of sanogennykh substances;

– the purines, are part of the spinach, it is forbidden for people suffering from gout;

– spinach is rich in iron and protein, but they are the best absorbed by the body in combination with meat.

