Sanctions and Russia

Russia, which has nuclear forces and Intercontinental missiles, should not let long to keep themselves in Euro-Atlantic blockade. These measures — and no one can refute, lead to a significant slowdown or even stagnation of the Russian economy in the global economic race, Russia may be lagging — more precisely, she can stop to take in the global economy the place that she belongs objectively.

The fact that against Russia imposed sanctions, clearly indicates that world war II had already begun, and Russia should use all its available weapons, if you do not want again to suffer defeat in the global cold war and relive the “Yeltsin era”. Perhaps global conflict — in the case of hydrogen and atomic bombs will, unfortunately, apocalyptic turn, but you must bring this to the attention of those governments that have imposed sanctions against Russia, and thereby practically started this war and force them to think about that.

The balance of power

Sanctions — an extremely destructive weapons. If not the most destructive. They are one of the forms of violence against the objective economic laws. Let me remind you that objective, not dependent on people’s economic laws suggest that in the course of free exchange of goods and services, participants of economic processes and the national economy in General, act according to its own interests and enjoy the fruits of the greatest inventions of humanity — division of labor and exchange.

A strong country with weak sanctions impose their will, forced to put on the first place the economic interests of a tyrant, forgetting about his own. And Russia to end the economic blockade should abandon the Crimea, and then, perhaps, from Siberia with its resources and bring all its activities in accordance with the needs of the Euro-Atlantic masters. In this case the Russian economy, state and citizens certainly little that would remain. Besides, if it turned out that in “international” interests to destroy the Russian as the factor that destroys modern civilization and in history this has happened, for example, Indians or aborigines, the Russians (and Serbs) would have to accept it as “given” and disappear from the face of the earth.

If you compare the economic (and financial) power of the United States and Russia, there is no doubt who is stronger and who can longer withstand economic exhaustion. Even more dangerous is that in such “economic” conflict of economic forces run out faster and this is important for the final stages of the war, which is already unfolding before our eyes.


In the modern world sanctions are presented as the punishment of the broader international community “guilty” of a state for a certain (real or fictional propaganda agencies) unwanted action, not as preparation for its destruction. But actually sanctions this kind of preparation are. It is important to note how over time, this penalty is increased. In the beginning the sanctions have the form of perfectly harmless at first glance, the prohibition against certain political functionaries who are banned from driving in Western countries. This is followed by a seizure of their property in the “free world”, but it is not too concerned about the citizens of the country under sanctions. After lining up the blockade economic flows: investments, loans, exports, imports, and so on.

Then, and the population begins to feel the effects of the embargo, and the idea of Euro-Atlantic aggressors should think about the correctness of the policy of their leaders and their “stubbornness”. At this stage, “thinking” citizens “to help” numerous non-governmental organizations that are already entrenched in the country and are regularly financed from abroad. By the way, after breaking the state under sanctions, these NGOs are already generously funded from the pockets of taxpayers when the Euro-Atlantic activists (“healthy forces”) will reach the state budget.

Of course, it may happen that the forces of “civil sector” will not be sufficient for the destruction of their own government and state, and then come to the aid of the bombers of NATO or even the Marines. The collapse of the state and establish the power of the comprador government will be the natural completion of sanctions, but for the population it will mean the beginning of the heavy period.

Of course, due to the lifting of the blockade and opening of the economy for some time, seem that there was some improvement, but this “flourishing” is extremely far from what the country was going through would be if sanctions did not exist and economic development followed its natural course.

The consequences

It is easy to guess what will be the impact of sanctions: a sharp slowdown in all economic processes, increased unemployment, reduced investment and revenues to the state budget, the growth of the black market and corruption, the flourishing of gambling, drug trafficking and prostitution. In addition, the deficit starts, will grow a fifth column of non-governmental organizations that have adverse effects on the society and the state, will increase inflation, which the government is under sanctions will try to compensate for their reduced income.

As a rule, it is necessary to pay special attention to the sanctions successfully perform their functions: countries with all their economic and other resources fall at the feet of the aggressors. This is followed by “transformation” and the desired “painful reforms”, that is comprador model of functioning of economy according to the recipe of the author of the Washington consensus.

The answer

States, subject to severe measures of the economic blockade, almost never meet the desires of rapists globalists, reasonably believing that it is guaranteed to lead to the destruction of the country. Though the destruction is often inevitable and in the case of “Portovaya”. On the other hand, it’s silly (though often it’s still going on) to underestimate the losses incurred by the country under economic sanctions. To prevent the spread of fear and to maintain a spirit of optimism among citizens, politicians downplay the impact of sanctions, creating the illusion of their ineffectiveness. Poets and columnists with a sense of humor in Newspapers and magazines about how loyal citizens were treated to their own state (and it’s true!) because of the blockade, but insist on minor (and funny) the effect of sanctions. A similar presentation of the siege in vain lulls the morale of the people, who have the power to defend themselves with weapons, and people do not think about the danger posed by organized aggression against their country.

If at the international level on each case, the introduction (or extension) of the sanctions said how about the bombing of one big city (it is easy to prove that the damage from prolonged sanctions can be comparable), then I’m sure the Euro-Atlantic terrorists seriously think before you go for these, now so commonly used, measures.

The author is a Professor at the University Singidunum

