Putin visits like the arrival of aliens

During the visits of Vladimir Putin resort to the most extraordinary security measures. For example, during Putin’s visit to Saint-Petersburg navigation, which was near the place where he was President, ceased operations, and mobile communications were failures, writes in his column correspondent for Helsingin Sanomat in Moscow Pekka Hakala (Hakala Pekka).

While I was writing this article, the Finnish police have checked sewers and collectors in the car parks in the city of Savonlinna on the subject of laid bombs. At the same time the diver defence force sank to the bottom of the port. Earlier, the police have placed ads asking residents of the Savonlinna not to go to the balcony on the evening of 27 July, when Vladimir Putin and Sauli Niinisto (Sauli Niinistö) catch a steamer to sail on lake Saimaa.

Perhaps the journey Niinistö at the saime would not have caused so much noise, but with Putin, things are different. Finns amuses and surprises that their own President goes where and when he wants to. Even if it has security, it doesn’t seem very concerned.

But can you blame Putin for such caution? The power of the President of Russia probably has plenty of reasons to think about your safety no matter which line in foreign and domestic policy he adheres to. In addition, Putin is also sometimes looks at some former farm without warning. Summer visit to the Valaam monastery on lake Ladoga has become a ritual.

However, I dare say that the actions of the security Putin began unique in the world. I will now explain.

At the beginning of June I left St. Petersburg international economic forum at the same time with Putin. A regular taxi was not allowed to stop the entrance of the exhibition center, which is located on the southern outskirts of the city. So I went to the nearest bus stop. The wind was blowing at a speed of 10 meters per second, fine rain hit in the face, the temperature was just above zero. The coat I wisely left at home next to the bed: why do I need it indoors?

I took the phone and opened the Uber app. The app usually works fine, but now it is cynically said that my phone is in the airport Pulkovo, 20 km from me. The Application Yandex.The taxi was of the same opinion. I dialed the number of a cab company written on a passing car. The machine promised to file at least half an hour, so I thanked the operator refused and began to vote the frozen hand while the one driver of a passing taxi finally stopped.

“Ha ha! Here, when Dylan comes on,” laughed the driver, alluding to the President of the country. His Navigator was not working as well as mine, and I had to show him the way by memory. All ended well — although I had to pay twice as much as usual. In a few hours I went from St. Petersburg and the newly passed fair grounds. Navigator is not earned.

The President of Russia has become a kind of alien, which is accompanied by a digital bubble — the vast expanse that is experiencing communication failure. In my head played the song It Came Out of the Sky Creedence Clearwater Revival performed by the rock musician Wellto Virtanen (Veltto Virtanen). According to his version, the UFO descended from the sky to the North of the Finnish community of Upaya, and there melted all the rubber, including the wheels of the tractor and the elastic sports trousers of a local farmer.

I checked tire condition of your car. Everything was in order. Paranoia or wisdom, that is the question.


